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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

The Alien. Russia

ID #1611917996
Added Fri, 29/01/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
Krasnodarskiy kray

Local resident Nina Vasilyevna Kirmos accidentally burned her leg with boiling water and blistered all over from the knee to the foot. On the 18th day after the burn, she tried to get some sleep on a stormy night. In her room, there was a small TV set on the table.

As the thunder grew louder, the room was suddenly filled with an extraordinary blinding light, afraid that she had covered her head with a blanket, but then she looked at what was happening.

Then she saw the figures of a man and a woman in glittering clothes, apparently on TV, they had huge eyes. Both of them had a black box on their heads with three protrusions running down to their shoulders and a black stripe around their foreheads. They had a glittering white clasp on the bridge of their noses, and two small bright balls on the tip of their noses. Their faces seemed to be encased in a transparent mask. There was a glittering rim around their eyes.

Terrified, she lost consciousness for a moment, but when she came to, she could hear their voices in her mind, saying:

“She has a big burn, take it off,” and then she saw a woman walking towards her.

As she got closer, she felt a strong heat on her injured leg and fainted again. When she woke up in the morning, she saw that the two strangers had left, and was surprised to see that her leg was now completely healed, now completely covered with a dried crust. She was able to walk immediately.

The TV was on that night, too, but then it didn't work for another month.

Original news

Location. Sochi, Russia
Date: Summer 1989
Time: night
A local woman, Nina Vasilyevna Kirmos had accidentally burned her leg with boiling water and was covered with blisters all the way from his knee to her foot. On the 18th day after the burn she was attempting to get some sleep on a stormy night. In his room there was a small television set sitting on top of a table. When the thunder grew louder in volume the room was suddenly filled in an extraordinary dazzling light, afraid she covered her head with a blanket but then looked to see what was going on. She then saw the figures of a man and a woman wearing sparkling clothing apparently in the television set, they had enormous eyes. Both wore a black box on their heads, which had three protrusions that jutted down over their shoulders plus a black strip that circled their foreheads. On the bridge of their nose they had a sparkling white fastener and on the tip of the nose two small bright spheres. Their faces appeared to be encased in a transparent mask. Around their eyes there was a sparkling rim. Terrified she momentarily lost consciousness but when she came to she mentally heard their voices which said, “She has a large burn, remove it” and then she saw the woman moving towards her. As she approached she felt great heat on her injured leg, she again passed out. She woke up in the morning and the two strangers were gone, she was then astonished to see that her leg was now completely cured, now totally covered with a dried crust. She was immediately able to walk. The television set also worked that evening but then it did not function for a month after that.
Source: Based on the materials of: “We and the UFO”, UFO Almanac, Russia 


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