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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

The Alien. Russia

ID #1611924873
Added Fri, 29/01/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
11.06.1989 20:30
станция Фарфоровская
Leningradskaya oblast

Witness Lyudmila Ivanovna Selykh had just left work at a local power plant and was waiting for a train on the platform of the Farforovskaya station when she saw a strange sight. 

At the height of the two-story house and not far from its place, there was a cigar-shaped "cloud" of a reddish-crimson color, resembling a hot iron. All the other passengers had already left the station, and she was all alone on the platform. After admiring the unusual color of the cigar-shaped "cloud", Lyudmila drew attention to the nearest path that connected the station with the main street. 

The path was blocked by a wall, but there was an opening at the bottom, and she saw a pair of feet walking towards the station, noiseless, making no noise. The color of the feet in the boots was a shiny metallic black. When the figure appeared at the end of the path, Lyudmila was startled to see a bizarre humanoid with a flat body and completely devoid of buttocks, its body was flat, no more than 20 cm thick at the waist, and had a brown metallic color. His arms were bent at the elbows and pressed against his body. He had a broad back and muscular arms. The black shiny suit completely covered her emaciated figure, which was paired with an elliptical shaped helmet that completely covered her head. There were no seams or creases. 

In the center of the helmet there was a protrusion in the form of a flange. On the underside of the flange, there were numerous protrusions of about 14 mm each, which protruded beyond the semicircular tips of a dark color and a diameter of about 6 mm. On the left side of the helmet protruded a spoke-shaped rod 3-4 mm thick and about 10-12 mm long with a tiny ball at the end. Both the helmet and the suit were of a solid color, the height of the figure is about 3 meters. 

Suddenly, without any warning, Ludmila seemed to slip; she had the impression that someone had pushed her left foot. She felt a great pain in her shins. She looked down and realized that her legs were paralyzed and wouldn't work.

 She looked up and noticed that the strange figure had now half turned around and was looking at her. The figure raised its hand, showing a five-digit finger. The front of the helmet, which was noticeably thicker than the rest of the figure, had a horizontal transparent band about 30 mm wide and about 200 mm long. and through it, the witness noticed a pair of large, almond-shaped gray eyes with dazzling white centers. No eyebrows or nose were visible. Also on the front of the helmet were two very bright golden-colored beams that illuminated everything around. When the strange humanoid stared at Lyudmila, she suddenly felt a strong pain in her chest, and something incomprehensible happened, when Lyudmila suddenly saw that she herself was standing apart from her body, she saw the entire scene in bright green. Apparently, she then lost consciousness and does not remember what happened next. 

After a while, Lyudmila found herself crawling on all fours. Terrified, she ran to her nearest apartment, and as soon as she entered the building, the pain in her chest disappeared. 

Incredibly, apparently, she immediately forgot about the events and only remembered 80 days later.

Original news

Location. Moscow, Russia
Date: June 11 1989
Time: 2030
The witness, Ludmila Ivanovna Selykh had just left her work at the local power plant and was waiting for the train on the platform at the Farforovskaya station when she noticed a strange spectacle. Hovering at an altitude of a two story house and not to far from her location there was a cigar-shaped “cloud” reddish-raspberry in color, resembling a burning iron. All other passengers had already left the station and she found herself all alone on the platform. After admiring the uncommon color of the cigar shaped “cloud” Ludmila’s attention was directed to a nearby path which connected the station with the main street. The path was obscured by a wall but on the bottom there was an opening and she could see a pair of feet walking up towards the station, silently without making any noise. The color of the feet which were encased in boots was shiny metallic black. As the figure appeared at the end of the path Ludmila was astonished to see a bizarre humanoid with a flat body and totally lacking buttocks, its body was flat with a thickness of no more than 20cm in the waist area which was a brown metallic color. Its arms were bent at the elbows and pressed against its body. It had a wide back and muscular arms. A black shiny suit totally covered the otherwise emaciated figure, which was connected to an elliptical shaped helmet, which completely covered its head. There were no seams or folds. On the middle of the helmet there was a flange-like protrusion. On the lower side of the flange there were numerous protrusions about 14mm each, which projected semi-circular tips dark in color and about 6mm in diameter. On the left side of the helmet protruded a spoke-like rod with a thickness of 3-4mm and about 10-12mm in length with a tiny ball at the end. Both the helmet and the suit were of one single tone color, the height of the figure was about 3 meters. Suddenly without any warning, Ludmila seemed to slip; she had the impression that someone had pushed her left leg. She perceived a severe pain in her shins. She looked down and realized that her legs were paralyzed and were not obeying her. She looked up and noticed that the bizarre figure had now half turned and was looking at her. The figure held its hand up, showing a five-digit finger. The front of the helmet which was noticeably thicker than the remaining part of the figure had an horizontal transparent strip about 30mm in width and about 200mm in length, and through it the witness noticed a pair of large gray eyes, almond-shaped with dazzling white centers. There were no eyebrows or nose evident. Also on the front section of the helmet there were two very bright gold-color beams which illuminated everything around them. As the strange humanoid stared at Ludmila she suddenly experienced severe chest pain and something incomprehensible occurred as Ludmila suddenly saw her herself standing away from her body, she saw the entire scene in a vivid green color. Apparently she then lost consciousness and does not remember what happened next. Sometime later Ludmila found herself crawling on all fours. Terrified she ran to her nearby apartment and as soon as she entered the building her chest pain disappeared. Incredibly she apparently forgot the events immediately and did not remember until 80 days later.
Source: B M Marchenko, I N Kopytenko and Leo Gorokhov in UFO Navigator Russia


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
Not enough information


Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials

Not very clear place: Farforovskaya station (Farforovskaya station) the stopping point of the St. Petersburg region of the Oktyabrskaya Railway, while the source article of the fact indicates Moscow.


The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
Not enough information

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