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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

Chronorally. Puerto Rico

ID #1612100254
Added Sun, 31/01/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
07.1989 18:00
Puerto Rico

Local angler Orlando Katake was returning from fishing on the beach when he noticed a group of bright white dots of light hovering and spinning just above the ground nearby. 

The man chased after the lights and suddenly lost them behind a small tree. As the witness was walking behind the tree, he came across two very tall men standing next to a boulder on the ground. 

One had his hand on his chest and told the witness not to approach, suddenly there was a flash of light and the witness felt paralyzed and could not move. 

The two men were described as very tall and identical in appearance, with fair skin, blue eyes and shoulder-length light brown hair, they were well-built and strong. Both wore shiny white tunics with an open V-neck. 

They spoke to the witness and warned him of the impending disaster, they said that the Earth would once again become a cold desert planet. He was then told to turn around and stay put. Then he felt a flash of heat behind him and saw a bright flash. The two men disappeared. 

Later, at home, he realized that he had lost 3 hours of time and could only remember seeing a long, smooth, submarine-like object that used the energy of the water to propel itself.

Original news

Date: early July 1989
Location: Peña Blanca, Puerto Rico
Time: 1800
Summary: A local angler, Orlando Cataquet was returning from fishing in the beach area when he noticed a group of bright white points of light hovering and turning just above the ground nearby. The man chased the lights and suddenly lost them behind a small tree. As the witness walked behind the tree he came upon two very tall men standing next to a boulder on the ground. One held his hand on his chest and told the witness not to approach, suddenly there was a flash of light and the witness felt paralyzed unable to move. The two men were described as very tall and identical in appearance, with light skin, blue eyes and light brown shoulder length hair, they were well built and strong. They both wore brilliant white tunics with an open V-neck. They spoke to the witness and warned him of a coming catastrophe, they said that the earth was going to become a cold desolate planet once more. He was then told to turn around and remain still. He then felt a heat blast behind him and saw a bright flash. The two men had disappeared. Later at home he realized that he had lost 3 hours of time and could only remember seeing a long sleek submarine like object that used energy from the water for its propulsion.
Source: Jorge Martin, Jaime Franco, Enigma # 28


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
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Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
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The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
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