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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

The Alien. Russia

ID #1612896274
Added Tue, 09/02/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
Rostovskaya oblast

A 40-year-old woman named Larisa Galushko woke up in the middle of the night and saw a translucent humanoid silhouette suddenly thickening in the air before her eyes. She looked closer and saw a male figure.

 Startled, she asked:

"Who are you?» 

In response, the man ordered in a loud voice::

"Give me your hand." 

She obeyed the order and slowly, as if in a trance, extended her right hand towards the stranger. The man gently, gently touched her right palm and disappeared into thin air. Larissa felt the man's hands, and they became thick. 

A few days later, the transparent alien returned. He stood for a long time at the head of Larisa's bed. He stared at her in silence. She was shocked when she saw the figure disappear into thin air again. 

From that moment on, his visits became regular: he now visited Larisa at least 2-3 times a month. 

At one time, the first was accompanied by another alien, standing next to him shoulder to shoulder. New Visitor (alien) he was wearing a white loose dress. His head was either completely shaved or completely hairless. He was a Hindu facial features, and it was translucent. 

Larissa began to cry, begging the aliens to leave and leave her alone. She asked who they were and why, and where they visited her at night. A hairless Hindu in white loose clothing said:

"We love you." 

Slightly taken aback, Larisa asked:

"Where are you from?» 

The alien said:

"From a parallel world. Planet Trion." 

As it was said, both the stranger and then disappeared. After this contact, strangers came to Larisa 5-6 more times, but did not talk anymore. Usually they just stood in front of her couch and looked at her. 

They completely ignored her pleas to leave her alone. Their last visit was around August 1990.

Original news

Date: January 1990
Location:  Rostov-on-Don, Russia
Time: night
Summary: A 40-year old woman named Larissa Galushko awoke in the middle of the night and saw a semi-transparent humanoid silhouette suddenly condensing in mid-air in front of her eyes. She looked closely and saw a man-like figure. Frightened she asked, “Who are you?” In response the man ordered in a booming voice, “Give me your hand.” She obeyed the order and slowly as if in a trance she stretched her right hand towards the stranger. The man touched her right palm gently, carefully and then melted away into thin air. Larissa felt the man’s hands and they felt dense. Several days later the transparent alien came back. He stood for a long time near the head of Larissa’s bed. He stared at her silently. She felt awestruck as she watched the figure again dissolve into thin air. From that moment on his visits became regular; he was now visiting Larissa at least 2-3 times per month. At one time another alien accompanied the first one, standing next to him shoulder to shoulder. The new visitor (alien) was dressed in a white loose-fitting garment. His head was either totally clean-shaven or completely hairless. He had Hindu features and was also semi-transparent. Larissa began to cry, pleading with the aliens to leave and to leave her alone. She asked who they were and why where they visiting her at night. The hairless “Hindu” in the white loose garment said, “We love you”. Slightly taken aback, Larissa said, “Where are you from?” The alien said, “From a parallel world. Planet Trion.” That having been said both aliens then vanished. After this contact the strangers visited Larissa 5 to 6 more times, but they did not speak anymore. They usually just stood near her ottoman and stared at her. They totally ignored her requests to leave her alone. Their last visit was around August 1990.
Source:  Alexey K. Priyma, “Unknown Worlds” Moscow 1996


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