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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

The Alien. Russia

ID #1612899090
Added Tue, 09/02/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
Voronezhskaya oblast

V. I. Chernova, an engineer at the local institute, said that her elderly mother survived an encounter with an alien. 

An elderly lady who lived with relatives was about to fall asleep when she noticed a pink light in the window and the silhouettes of two figures with pear-shaped heads. The figures moved to the window, and she heard a loud, megaphone-like voice. 

"Come with us»

Stunned, she replied that it was cold outside and that she was naked.

"Put on your slippers!" was the reply.

She then told the strangers that her legs were sore and she couldn't move, but they insisted that "it would be easy for her to walk with them."

 She couldn't remember getting out of bed, but she did remember walking down a long corridor or a tunnel with a slippery surface. Alien figures hovered nearby. Then there was an open door, and behind it a room full of children and a woman, all with very pale faces and fixed eyes. When she saw this, she panicked, got scared, and ran down the corridor, surrounded by complete silence. 

She saw the slippers on her feet and heard a strange voice in her head, asking:

"Why are they so afraid of us?» 

Then she was returned home.

Original news

Date: January 3 1990
Location: Voronezh, Russia
Time:  late evening
Summary: Mrs. V.I. Chernova, a female engineer of a local institute reported that her elderly mother had experienced an encounter with an alien. The elderly lady who was living with her relatives was going to go to sleep when suddenly she noticed a pink light in the window and the silhouettes of two figures with pear-shaped heads. The figures walked up to the window and she heard a loud megaphone like voice. “Come with us”, stunned, she answered that it was cold outside and that she was naked. “Put your slippers on!” was the answer, she then told the strangers that she had ill legs and could not move, but they were insistent telling her that “it would be easy for her to walk with them”. She could not remember how she got up from bed, but remembered walking along a long corridor or tunnel that had a slippery surface. The alien figures were hovering nearby. Then an open door appeared and a room behind it with many children and a woman in it, all of them had very pale faces with frozen stares. After seeing this she panicked and became frightened and ran along the corridor, total silence surrounded her. She saw slippers on her feet and heard a strange voice in her head asking, “Why are they so afraid of us?” She was then apparently returned home.
Source:  Genrih Silanov, Fyedor Kiselyov, Yuriy Lozotsev, & Alexander Mosolov “UFOs in Voronezh” 1990


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
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Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
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The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
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