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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

Wandering Fire. Belarus

ID #1613057886
Added Thu, 11/02/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
02.1990 10:45

A woman named Nadezhda, a teacher at a local school, was preparing breakfast in the kitchen when she suddenly saw a small spherical object hovering in front of her face in the middle of the kitchen. Nadezhda was not afraid and looked at the strange globe with curiosity. The object was a matte color, but did not have a dense composition. 

The ball approached Nadezhda and began to circle over her head, apparently studying her. At that moment, she felt that she had to mentally communicate with the mysterious visitor. At first, the contact was one-way. She hadn't heard any questions from the "alien", but somehow Hope knew exactly what to say to the sentient orb. 

First, she greeted the globe and said that she was happy to meet it on Earth in the Belarusian city of Vitebsk. Then she mentioned that she had never doubted the existence of other civilizations, and took this meeting as confirmation of this reality. 

The strange ball continued to fly around the kitchen, making a strange sound, very similar to a crack, and constantly changed in size, at one point becoming the size of a game ball, and then increasing by 50 cm in diameter. Soon, several "tentacles" emerged from the globe, all about 10 cm in length, giving the globe the appearance of a spiked mine. 

As the globe spun around her head, Hope felt something touch the back of her neck, it was like a warm gentle wind blowing on her neck. Then she said:

"I would like to go with you, but I have small children." 

And then she asked:

"Why did you come to me in such a strange way?" 

Immediately, she received a telepathic response: 

"We are like this because we really look like this. And I visited you specifically, because we knew that you would accept us as we are." 

Then a strange voice told Nadezhda that they came from some constellation whose name begins with the letter A, but unfortunately, she could not remember exactly.

Then Nadezhda told the visitor that she was very weak in astronomy, that they should visit the scientists and tell them about their place of origin. Then the "alien" said:

"We specifically chose you because not all people are ready to meet us."

Continuing the conversation, the witness said:

"If your spaceship has crashed and you are in trouble, you can stay here to live with me. I have a place for you." 

There was no answer, and after a while Nadezhda suddenly got scared, it seemed to her that something "huge" was descending on her, Then she ran out of the kitchen, and when she returned, the ball disappeared. 

After the collision, Nadezhda's memory and vision deteriorated, but it lasted only 6 months, and then everything returned to normal. Nadezhda was very lucky then, and she usually got everything she wanted. 

She says the last thing the aliens told her was that they would come back for her in 5 years.

Original news

Location. Vitebsk, Belarus
Date: February 1990
Time: 1045
A woman named Nadezhda, a teacher at a local school was in her kitchen preparing breakfast when she suddenly saw a small spherical object hovering in front of her face in the middle of the kitchen. Nadezhda was not afraid and stared at the strange globe with curiosity. The object was of a matt color but did not appear to be of a dense composition. The globe moved closer to Nadezhda and began circling around her head, apparently studying her. At this point she felt that she had to communicate mentally with the mysterious visitor. At first the contact was one-way. She heard no questions from the “alien” but somehow Nadezhda knew exactly what to tell the intelligent globe. First she greeted the globe and said she was happy to meet it on Earth in the Byelorussian city of Vitebsk. Then she mentioned that she had never any doubts on the existence of other civilizations, and she took this meeting as confirming that reality. The strange globe continued flying amid the kitchen, emitting a strange sound, very similar to a crackling sound and constantly changing in size, at one moment becoming the size of a playing ball and then growing 50cm in diameter. Soon several “tentacles” emerged from the globe, all about 10cm in length, giving the globe the appearance of a spiked mine. When the globe move around her head, Nadezhda felt something touching the back of her head, it felt like a warm tender wind blowing on her neck. She then said, “I wish I could go with you, but I have small kids”. And then she asked, “Why do you come to me in such a strange appearance”. Immediately she received a telepathic answer, “We appear in this manner because this is how we actually look like. And specifically visited you, because we knew you would accept us as we are”. Next the alien voice told Nadezhda that they came from some constellation, the name of which started with the letter A, but unfortunately she could not remember exactly. Nadezhda then told the visitor that she was very weak in astronomy that they should visit the scientists and tell them about their place of origin. The “alien” then said, “We specifically chose you, because not all people are ready to meet us” Continuing the conversation the witness said, “If your spacecraft had crashed and you are in trouble, you can stay here to live with me, I have room for you”. No answer followed and some time after that Nadezhda suddenly became fearful, she felt as if something “huge” was descending on her, she then rushed out of the kitchen and when she returned the globe had disappeared. After the encounter Nadezhda’s memory and vision worsened, but it only lasted for 6months and then everything returned to normal. Nadezhda then became very lucky, usually getting all she wanted. She says that the last thing the aliens told her was that they were returning for her in 5 years.

Source: Y. Oranskiy in: “Fourth Dimension and the UFO” newspaper for the Yaroslavl UFO Center # 6 1993


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