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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

The Alien. Argentina

ID #1613058013
Added Thu, 11/02/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
02.1990 18:00
Пунта Индио Buenos Aires

Emilio Cabot, along with Marcelo, Graciela, and Nancy, were meditating in an area known for its paranormal phenomena when they heard footsteps behind them. 

They stopped their meditation and noticed what looked like a dome of light descending over a nearby river. As everyone sat down to chat, they suddenly noticed two pairs of glittering eyes in the nearby forest. Shining a flashlight into their eyes, they saw two figures that looked like dwarves, about 90 cm tall. 

The figures had gray, wrinkled faces, pointed hats, and gray trousers with a very large belt and a large, shiny buckle. The moment the witnesses noticed the short figures, they were not afraid, and they were overcome with a sense of peace. The two "gnomes" were startled and seemed to jump headfirst into the bushes. 

Witnesses were able to determine that the humanoid had very bright eyes, similar to human eyes. 

Before the meeting with the "dwarves", they saw a dome of light over the river, and inside it they remembered seeing buildings or similar structures. 

There is an old legend about a flooded city in this area of Rio de la Plata. They searched for the dwarves, but found nothing.

Original news

Location. Punta Indio, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Date: February 1990
Time: 1800
Emilio Cabot along with Marcelo, Graciela & Nancy were meditating in an area known for its paranormal phenomena when they heard footsteps behind them. They stopped their meditation and noticed what appeared to be a dome of light settling over the nearby river. As they all sat down to chat they suddenly noticed two pairs of shiny eyes in the nearby woods. They shone their flashlight at the eyes and saw two gnome-like figures about 90 cm in height. The figures appeared to have gray Wrinkled Faces and wore pointy hats, gray pants with a very large belt and a large shiny buckle. The moment the witnesses spotted the short figures they felt no fear and a sense of peace came over them. The two “gnomes” appeared startled and seemed to jump head first into the brush. The witnesses were able to determine that the humanoid had human-like eyes that were very shiny. Before encountering the “gnomes” they had seen the dome of light over the river and inside of it they remembered seeing building like structures. There is an old legend of a submerged city in this area of the Rio de la Plata. They searched around for the gnomes but failed to find anything. 

Source: Proyecto CATENT, Argentina


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