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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

The Alien. Russia

ID #1613138737
Added Fri, 12/02/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
Moskovskaya oblast

Earlier that evening, from the fourth floor of his apartment, Z. Petrovna saw a large round object slowly flying over the houses on the western side of the forest area. It was gray at the bottom and seemed to have two pipe-like supports sticking out from the bottom. 

The image of the object suddenly transformed against the background of the cloud into a warship with all its attributes. Two details were memorized: the gun barrels and the turret, and the lights on the mast of the superstructure were flashing. Afraid, she ran out of the window and got into bed. Soon, she felt the presence of some force in the bedroom and covered her head with a blanket. There was a sudden flash of light in the room, and through the blanket she saw a reddish-blue light that was very bright. 

Pulling off the blanket, she was horrified to see a humanoid figure standing at the bedroom window. It looked like a human, but had two long arms on four long fingers. His skin looked black, and he was wearing a shiny light suit and gloves. The figure was approximately 2.3 meters tall and stood obliquely above the bed. 

The humanoid spoke in a strange monotone and dispassionate tone, telling the witness that she should go with them. The humanoid pulled at her arms, and the witness saw two large black eyes staring at her. She felt that the humanoid's hands were somehow elastic and pliable. Terrified, she begged the humanoids to leave her, telling him about her responsibilities to her husband and children. He said they "needed" her for her intelligence and other reasons. 

Eventually, the humanoid relented, releasing the witness, who at that moment noticed that its legs ended in protrusions that looked like fins. At the end of this telepathic communication, the humanoid told the witness that she would not be believed anyway, and then disappeared into thin air.

Original news

Location. Shchelkovo, Moscow, Russia
Date: Spring 1990
Time: night
Earlier that evening from the fourth floor of her apartment, Petrovna Z had seen a large round object slowly flying above the houses on the west side of a forested area. It was gray on the bottom and seemed to have two pipes similar to supports sticking from the bottom. The image of the object suddenly transformed itself against the background of a cloud to that of a warship with all its attributes. Two details were memorized: the barrels of the guns and a turret, lights blinked on the mast superstructure. Afraid she ran from the window and went to her bed. Soon she felt the presence of some force in the bedroom and she covered her head with the blankets. A light suddenly flared up in the room, and through the blanket she could see reddish blue light that’s was very bright. Removing her blanket she was terrified to see a humanoid figure standing by the bedroom window. It was similar to a man, but it had two long arms ending on four long fingers. Its skin appeared to be black and he wore a shiny light colored outfit and gloves. The figure was about 2.3 meters in height, and was standing inclined over the bed. The humanoid spoke in a strange monotonic and impassive manner, telling the witness that she must come with them. She was pulled by her arms, by the humanoid and the witness saw two large black eyes staring at her. She felt that the hands of the humanoid were somehow elastic and yielding. Terrified she pleaded with the humanoids telling him about her responsibilities with her husband and children. He said that they “needed” her for her mind and other reasons. Eventually the humanoid relented releasing the witness, who at this point noted that his feet ended in fin-like protrusions. At the end this time telepathic form, the humanoid told the witness that no one would believe her anyway and then vanished into thin air.
Source: UFOZONE Russia


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