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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

Chronorally. Russia

ID #1613411684
Added Mon, 15/02/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
28.03.1990 04:30
Dagestan, Respublika

Local resident Alibek Karachev, a dispatcher of the local bus service, drove his car to work at a speed of about 35-40 km per hour. Suddenly the car's engine stopped.

Thinking it was a battery, he got out of the car, but was surprised to see a bright light and some people standing about 100-130 meters away. He thought that maybe someone else was repairing the car, and decided to help.

However, he had only taken three steps when he was suddenly stopped by an unknown force. He was frozen in place in an awkward position, but he was still looking at the bright light.

Then he clearly saw a cigar-shaped object hovering low above the ground, and several strangers walking beneath it. First he saw two figures, then a third. They seemed to be gesturing expressively with their hands among themselves. They were dressed in shiny, tight-fitting jumpsuits, similar to those of deep-sea divers.

Looking closely, Karachev distinguished 3 windows on the ship, each about 2 meters high and 1.5 meters wide. The central window was dimly lit, but he could make out a silhouette inside. Judging by the long, wavy hair that fell to her shoulders, she was an alien woman.

While Alibek was watching the supposed alien woman, the other aliens working under the ship disappeared. At that moment, something made Alibek turn around, and when he looked back again, the object and the aliens had already disappeared. Suddenly, his car's headlights came back on, and he felt in control again. Then he got behind the wheel of his car and drove to where the cigar-shaped object had hovered a few minutes before. He found nothing there, looked up at the sky, and saw nothing either.

Then Alibek continued on his way to work, but suddenly noticed that his watch was 10 minutes behind, he could not remember what happened in those 10 minutes.

3 days after the incident, Alibek fell ill and, feeling very weak, went to the hospital in Makhachkala. The doctor explained to him that his weakness was probably caused by exposure to radiation, and he was told that it would soon pass.

He returned home, but his health deteriorated day by day. On the 13th day after the meeting, he could not get out of bed and lost his appetite. However, after a week, his health suddenly returned to normal, as if nothing had happened.

Original news

Location. Izberbash, Dagestan, Russia
Date: March 28 1990
Time: 0430A
A local male resident, Alibek Karachev, dispatcher for the local bus service, was driving in his car on his way to work at about 35-40km per hour. Suddenly the engine of the vehicle stopped. Thinking it was the battery he stepped out of the car but was surprised to see a bright light and some “people” standing about 100-130 meters away. He thought that maybe someone else was repairing their “car” and decided to assist. However he only took three steps when he was suddenly stopped in his tracks by an unknown force. He froze in place in an awkward position, but still watching the bright light. Then he clearly saw a cigar-shaped object, hovering low above the ground, and several strangers walking under it. At first he noticed two figures and then a 3rd. They seemed to be expressively gesticulating with their hands among themselves. They were dressed in shiny tight-fitting coveralls, resembling those of deep-sea divers. After looking closely, Karachev discerned 3 windows on the craft, each one approximately 2 meters high and 1.5meters in width. The center window was lightly lit, but he could discern a silhouette inside. It seemed to be that of an alien female, because of the long wavy hair falling to her shoulders. While Alibek watched the supposed alien female, the other aliens who had been working under the craft vanished. At this moment something compelled Alibek to turn around and when he looked back again the object and aliens were now gone. Unexpectedly the headlights of his vehicle switched on again and he felt under control of his body again. He then sat behind the wheel of his car and drove to the location where the cigar-shaped object had been hovering a few minutes ago. He found nothing there, looked at the sky and saw nothing either. Alibek then continued on his way to work but suddenly noticed that his watch was 10 minutes behind, he could not remember what happened during those 10minutes. 3 days after the incident Alibek became ill and visited the hospital in Mahachkala, feeling very weak. A doctor explained to him that his weakness appears to have been as a result of radiation exposure and was told that it would soon go away. He returned home, but his health deteriorated day after day. On the 13th day after the encounter he could not get up from bed and lost his appetite. However a week after his health suddenly returned to normal as if nothing had occurred.
Source: Sergey Semenduev, “Iks” (UFO Newspaper) Mahachkala Dagestan # 10-11 1992


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