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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

The Alien. Russia

ID #1613481580
Added Tue, 16/02/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
Bashkortostan, Respublika

8-year-old Jeweler began to notice some strange "shadows" outside the window of her bedroom, which soon quickly disappeared.

Then she suddenly wanted to look out of the window, and she saw a small disc-shaped object floating in the air, like two saucers joined together at the edges. The disk emitted brilliant zigzag rays of light, yellow and blue in color. The appearance of the disk was accompanied by a strange, bell-like ringing.

Then the disk seemed to become transparent and seemed to open up like a shell. Inside, she saw computer equipment, screens with stars and black space, levers, a blue sphere in the middle, and metal plates.

She also saw images of other flying saucers on the screen. She also saw six identical white-haired "people" in silver jumpsuits, sparkling with yellow and blue dots. Among them was a tall, beautiful woman with long hair.

The aliens began to communicate with the girl in high, squeaky voices (the men had voices similar to sopranos). The humanoids then gave the girl a small "gift" that resembled a "music box" with a picture of a castle inside, with a princess playing the piano, the "music box" made a high-pitched sound.

The witness window was closed, but oddly enough, the aliens were able to enter a small gift through the closed window. The jeweler was afraid and did not want to talk to the aliens, her cat, apparently, ran away. Then she put the alien's gift on the bedside table and ran to the kitchen. When she returned, the saucer was gone.

The strange gift soon disappeared as well.

Original news

Location. Sterlitamak, Bashkortostan, Russia
Date: April 1990
Time: night
8-year old Yuvelina began to notice some strange “shadows” behind her bedroom window that soon quickly disappeared. She then suddenly had the urge to look out her window and saw hovering low over the air outside a small disc-shaped object, shaped like two saucers joined together at the rims. The disk was emitting flashing zigzagging beams of light, yellow and blue in color. The appearance of the disk was accompanied by a strange resembling the ringing of a bell. The disc then appeared to become transparent and seemed to open up like a cockleshell. Inside she could see computer-like equipment, screens with stars and black space, levers, a blue sphere in the middle and metallic plates. She also saw images of other “flying saucers” on the screen. She also saw six identical white haired “persons” wearing silvery coveralls, sparking with yellow and blue dots. Among them was a tall beautiful woman with long hair. The aliens began to communicate with the girl in high-pitched squeaky voices (the men had soprano-like voices). The humanoids then gave the girl a small “present” which resembled a “music box” with the image of a castle inside, with a princess playing the piano, the “music box” box was emitting a high-pitch sound. The witness window was closed but amazingly the aliens were able to introduce the small gift through the closed window. Yuvelina was afraid and did not want to talk with the aliens, her cat apparently ran away. The girl then put the alien present on the bedside table and ran to the kitchen. When she came back the saucer had already disappeared. The strange present soon also disappeared.
Source: Vladimir G. Azazha, PhD “The Other Life” Moscow 1998


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