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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

The Alien. Russia

ID #1613503663
Added Tue, 16/02/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
30.04.1990 01:40
Voronezhskaya oblast

Local resident Sergey Ovsyannikov came to Babaysky Pond near the village to go fishing. However, there was no fish yet, so he just sat down and waited. 

At 22: 00, he saw 5 points of light moving above him, one appeared directly above his head, and then increased in size and began to hover above his head. 

At 01: 40, feeling very cold, the witness decided to walk to Pereleshino, to spend the night there. Next to the dam, he saw a lighted disk on the opposite side of the pond, beyond a narrow strip of forest.

 Next to the disk were several humanoid-shaped figures that seemed to emit light. Sergey's curiosity was strong, so he approached the area and saw two objects floating above the ground. Around the objects, everything was lit up like daylight. 

The glowing entities moved across the fields without touching the ground, hovering low above the ground. The figures appeared to be slender; about 3 meters tall, their heads, bodies, arms, and legs were clearly illuminated. There were 6 to 8 humanoids in total. Then the witness began to tremble when he saw 3 more similar creatures to his left. He immediately ran back to the pond and started inflating his rubber boat to quickly leave the area. 

He then found himself behind in a reed field, and later saw both glowing UFOs moving over the forest, then soaring into the sky and disappearing.

Original news

Date: April 30-May 1 1990
Location: Petrovskoye, Paninskiy area, Voronezh region, Russia
Time: 0140A
Summary: A local resident named Sergey Ovsyannikov had arrived at the Babay pond near the above village in order to do some fishing. However there were no fish yet so he just sat down and waited. At 2200 he saw 5 dots of light moving over him, and one appeared straight over his head and then it increased in size and began hovering overhead. At 0140A feeling very cold the witness decided to walk to the nearby hamlet of Pereleshino in order to spend the night there. Near the dam he saw a lighted disk on the opposite side of the pond, beyond a narrow strip of forest. Several humanoid shaped figures, which seemed to emit light, were near the disk. Sergey’s curiosity was strong so he approached the area and saw two objects hovering over the ground. Everything was lit up around the objects, like daylight. The luminous entities were moving over the fields, not touching the ground, floating low over the ground. The figures seemed slender; approximately 3 meters in height, their heads, bodies, hands and legs were distinctly lighted. In total there were 6 to 8 humanoids. The witness then began to shiver as he saw 3 more similar entities to the left of him. Immediately he ran back to the pond and began inflating his rubber boat in order to leave the area quickly. He then behind in a cane field and later saw both luminous UFOs moving over the forest and then zoom up into the sky and disappear.
Source:  Vladimir Lebedyev, TASS, and Vladimir Yeletskih, “Behind the brink of the miraculous” Voronezh 1992


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