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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

Land creatures. Argentina

ID #1616581392
Added Wed, 24/03/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
Карлос Спегаццини Buenos Aires

Two young men were walking through the forest on a very hot night when they heard a noise behind them. Looking back, they saw nothing, but one of the witnesses carried a flashlight and lit up the area. 

They were stunned to see a dead dog lying on the ground with its jaw open in an unnatural manner. They examined the animal and were surprised to see that rigor mortis had apparently set in. Frightened, they quickly began to leave the place; then they heard the noise again.

They lit up the area again with their flashlight, and this time they were stunned to see a dead cat in the same condition as the dog. 

Fearing that they had started to run away from the area. Suddenly, a bizarre creature leaped out of the forest and crossed their path right in front of them.

The creature was described as something resembling a two-legged dog, with a rounded head and two small protrusions in the form of claws on the upper chest. Terrified, the two witnesses fled the scene. 

One of them came back the next day and found that the cat was gone. Several chickens were also found dead on a nearby farm.

Original news

Location. Carlos Spegazzini, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Date: February 1996
Time: night
Two young men were walking in a wooded area on a very hot night when they heard noises behind them. Looking back they did not see anything, but one of the witnesses was carrying a flashlight and illuminated the area. They were stunned to see a dead dog on the ground with its jaw apparently preyed opened in an unnatural manner. They inspected the animal and were surprised to see that rigor mortis had apparently set in. Frightened they began walking quickly away from the area; they then heard the noises again. Again they illuminated the area with the flashlight and this time they were stunned to see a dead cat in similar conditions to that of the dog. Afraid they began running away from the area. Suddenly a bizarre creature jumped out of the woods and crossed their path directly in front of them. The creature was described as something resembling a bipedal dog, it had a rounded head, and had what appeared to be two small claw-like protrusions from the top of its chest. Frightened the two witnesses fled the area. One of them returned the next day and found the still there but the cat was missing. Several chickens also turned up dead on a nearby farm.

Source: Carlos Alberto Iurchuk


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
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Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
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The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
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