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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

The Alien. Australia

ID #1616791043
Added Fri, 26/03/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
1996 19:30
шоссе Мервиллумба, недалеко от Лисмора

John was returning from Lismore when his car suddenly stopped. He looked under the hood, but found nothing obvious, so he decided to go for help. 

John stated that he had a strange feeling that something was touching his spine. He looked up and saw two bright white lights about 500 meters above sea level and heard what he described as the sound of arc welding. He noticed that trucks were passing along the road. Then John hit the ground and rolled down the embankment. 

Then he noticed the "gray" alien, who told him:

"You can't leave," he said, grabbing his arm and heading for one of the mother ships. 

John stated that the ship was shaped like an Egyptian "Eye of Osiris", metallic and gray in color, with no visible holes. He said they both went right through the wall. An alien (whom John learned to be called Theoraba) took him inside, and he observed other aliens working on computers, etc., and also noticed what he now calls "alien babies" in flasks of red, green, and orange solution. 

John asked him:

"What is it?"

 And the alien replied that they were "aliens". Then the alien asked him:

"Do you want to do this in the future?"

 Two aliens then grabbed his arms and legs as he was approached by a female alien who he thought was half human, a "hybrid", with the body of a woman, long arms, five fingers, and very dark black eyes. He was told that the aliens wanted him to be a father to them, and then John panicked. 

Then the female alien took on a more human appearance, and then he became sexually aroused and made love to the female alien. Later, a metal object (the famous anal probe) was inserted into his anal cavity, and a section of skin from his left palm was taken for " DNA " samples. When he asked about the skin sample, he was told that their planet had "exploded" and that hybrids were the only alternative to continue their species and prevent genetic inbreeding. 

On another occasion in the same year, as John was walking along the road in Kingscliff, he saw the two "mother ships" again and shouted to them to leave him alone. Apparently, he met a now-familiar gray alien who told him that they had inserted an implant in his finger. 

On another occasion, while in the bush, John encountered a female alien hybrid, which he believes was one of his offspring. He communicated with her telepathically. He states that she was quite young and because of this she was wearing what he thought was a breathing apparatus that passed around her head into her mouth and nostrils. He was told that she could not yet breathe our atmosphere. 

John claims to have 5 male and 1 female hybrid offspring.

Original news

Date: 1996
Location: Murwillumbah Highway, near Lismore, NSW, Australia
Time: 1930
Summary: John was driving back from Lismore when his car suddenly stopped. He checked under the bonnet but could not find anything obvious so decided to start walking to get help. John stated that he had a funny feeling like something was touching his spine. He looked up to see 2 bright white lights about 500m above and heard what he described as like the sound of an arc welder. He noticed that there were trucks driving by on the road. John then hit the ground and rolled down the embankment. He then noticed a “gray” alien, which said to him, “you can’t get away” and grabbed him by the arm and proceeded towards one of the “motherships”. John stated that the craft was shaped like Egyptian “Eye of Osiris” metallic and gunmetal gray with no apparent openings. He said that both walked straight through the wall. The alien (who John learned his name was Theoraba) took him inside and he observed other aliens working on computers etc. And also noticed what he now calls “baby aliens” in flasks of red, green-orange solution. John asked him “what are those”? And the alien replied that they were “baby aliens”. The alien then asked him, “Would you like to have something to do with these in the future”? Two aliens then grabbed his arms and legs as he was approached by a female alien who he thought was a half human “hybrid”, with the body of a woman, long arms, 5 fingers and very dark black eyes. He was told that the aliens wanted him to father children for them, and at this point John began to panic. The female alien then took on a more human appearance and that he then became sexually aroused and made love to the female alien. A metal object was later introduced into his anal cavity (the famous anal probe) and a patch of skin from his left palm was taken for “DNA” samples. When he asked about the skin sample he was told that their planet had “blown up” and that in order to continue their species and ensure that genetic inbreeding didn’t occur that hybrids were the only alternative. That same year on another occasion John was walking along the road at Kingscliffe and saw two “motherships” again, and shouted at them to leave him alone. Apparently he met the now familiar gray alien who told him that they had inserted an implant in his finger. Still on another occasion whilst out in the bush John encountered a female alien hybrid, which he assumes was one of his offspring. He communicated with her telepathically. He states that she was quite young and because of this was wearing what he assumed to be breathing apparatus, which went from around her head into her mouth and nostrils. He was told that she was unable to breathe in our atmosphere yet. John claims he has 5 male and 1 female hybrid offspring.
Source: Emma Derdak, AUFORN Queensland


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