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UFO. South Africa

ID #1617213376
Added Wed, 31/03/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
South Africa

This sighting occurred in September 1997, when he was returning home after windsurfing on an inland lake in South Africa. We passed the buildings of the CSIR (Council for Scientific and Industrial Research) on the outskirts of the city Pretoria, which we passed on our left. It was dusk, and we were driving south, home, away Johannesburg. My son (who is now an instructor pilot and an Air Force captain) and my wife were present when I rode, with my son sitting to my left. 

My attention was drawn to what appeared to be a very tall tower of stacked disks in front of us, a little to the right of the road, this tower tapered to the lower disk, that is, the diameter of the upper disk was the largest, and the lower one the smallest.

The time taken from the first observation to passing the tower perpendicular to our right was approximately five minutes at a speed of about 120 km / h, which gave an estimate of a distance of about 10 km.

Each disk glowed dimly with a uniformly distributed reddish light, and its equatorial circumference contained several bright orange light sources, about six or seven of which were visible on each disk.

We told each other about this phenomenon and began to discuss possible explanations. To verify that it wasn't due to some internal reflective optical effect (I was reasonably convinced that it couldn't be anyway, but wanted to be as objectively scientific as possible in the observation), I opened the driver's window and looked at the "Tower" from the outside-confirming that it was an external, "real" phenomenon - this was further confirmed by our progressive approach to it and its growing apparent size from our point of view.

We noticed that the" disks " periodically, at regular intervals, peeled off from the lower part of the tower and "flew", moving in different directions - some followed approximately parallel courses, others radically different in their relative direction from the previous disks. . Although we followed the flight of these receding disks in some direct and then peripheral vision, our main focus was on the "tower".

We observed anywhere from ten to fifteen disks moving away in this way, but we didn't feel motivated to do an accurate count - we constantly had to balance our sense of "reality" with what we saw, and it was, to put it mildly, disturbing and definitely disturbing - it was hard to digest intellectually. Although the "tower" appeared to remain stationary, the flying disks were definitely under intelligent, if not pre-programmed, stochastic robotic control.

Knowing that the four parallel fingers of one hand are at arm's length of about ten degrees, I measured the apparent height of the tower shortly after sighting at an angle of about thirty-five degrees at an estimated ten kilometers, which gave an estimated height of 7 km. Not surprising because of the huge size of the "tower" and the time it takes to get to it and pass it.

The upper disk easily covered four parallel vertically clamped fingers, which after some rough actuation. works up to an estimated diameter of at least 1.7 km. The lower disk of the "tower" was about ten degrees above the ground, which corresponds to a height of 1.8 km - and as a result, the total height of the tower is about 5.2 km. These are estimates, of course, but I guarantee that they are within 20% of the true dimensions.

There were no unusual sounds that appeared to come from the" tower " or individual discs during the entire event. No electronic / electromechanical or physiological disturbances were observed, except for the emotional effects caused by observation.

The orthogonal distance to our right as we passed the tower was difficult to estimate due to the fact that it appeared to be "floating", and due to the near-middle foreground below the apparent position of the" tower " drifting in the opposite direction from our position below it. There was no clear landmark or beacon that I could later use as a reference point.

We mutually confirmed that we were seeing what we seemed to be seeing - the road was quite busy at that time, and we could tell by the sideways glances that the passengers of passing cars and those we were passing were also all watching, and some pointed out the phenomenon - this, believe it or not, was an important objective confirmation for us.

The next day, I reported this observation to the staff of the Johannesburg Planetarium (some of whom I knew personally, having taken an astronomy course, and also bought a 4 " Newtonian reflex telescope from them a few years earlier). interest-also, I haven't heard of any follow-up either privately or in the media.

I have no interest in publicity at all, but I believe that responsible reporting and a thorough follow-up investigation are vital in such cases. My personal opinion is that reporting subjects should be willing to voluntarily undergo a polygraph test regarding the reported content of observations - not only to confirm the veracity and veracity of their reports, but more importantly, to confirm the totality of reliable evidence.

I would certainly be willing to go through any confirmation procedures.

In conclusion, it may seem strange that we did not abruptly slow down or even stop - but this was a high-speed highway, and stopping is only allowed in case of emergency; we wanted to stay in the right lane, by the way the fastest, since the "tower" was clearly going to pass on our right. The apparent slowness of our approach to this phenomenon was another reason for maintaining our speed on the road.

One strongly expressed opinion, which I will forever remember as we drove past the tower and watched the other disk recede, was:

"My God, this is the mother ship, and this is the" child disks »…»

Whether this opinion was anything close to an accurate estimate, we may, of course, never know.

I would be interested to know if any party who witnessed this particular event or similar phenomenon will provide their opinion and report on the observation.

Original news

This sighting took place in September 1997 while travelling home from windsurfing on an inland lake in South Africa. The journey took us past the CSIR (Council for Scientific and Industrial Research) buildings on the periphery of the city of Pretoria which we passed on our left. It was dusk and we were travelling in a southerly direction home towards Johannesburg. My son (who is now a military instructor pilot and captain in the air force) and my wife were present while I was driving, with my son sitting on my left. My attention was drawn to what appeared a very tall tower of stacked disks ahead of us, slightly off to the right of the road, this tower conically tapered towards the bottom disk, i.e. the diameter of the top disk was largest and bottom smallest.

The time taken from first sighting to passing the tower orthogonally to our right was approximately five minutes at a driving speed of some 120 km/h, resulting in a distance estimate of about 10 km.

Each disk was dimly glowing with a reddish evenly distributed light and its equatorial circumference contained several bright orange light sources, about six or seven of these visible on each disk.

We mentioned the phenomenon to each other and began to discuss possible explanations. In order to test that this was not due to some internally reflective optical effect (I was reasonably convinced that it could not be, anyway, but wanted to be as objectively scientific in the observation as possible) I opened the driver’s window and looked at the “tower” from outside – confirming that it was an external, “real” phenomenon – this was further supported by seeing our progressive approach to it and its growing apparent dimensions in our perspective.

We observed that “disks” would periodically, at regular intervals, detach from the bottom of the tower and “fly,” move off, in different directions – some would take approximately parallel courses, others would vary radically in their relative direction to previous disks. Although we followed the flight of these departing disks in some direct, and thereafter peripheral vision, our primary attention stayed with the “tower”.

We observed somewhere between ten to fifteen disks depart this way but did not feel motivated to make an accurate count – continually we had to balance our sense of “reality” against what we were seeing and it was to say the least, an unsettling and surely disturbing phenomenon – it was not easily intellectually digestible. Although the “tower” remained apparently stationary, the disks that flew off certainly appeared to be under intelligent, if not pre-programmed, stochastically robotic control.

Knowing that four parallel fingers of one hand at arm’s reach span about ten degrees I measured the apparent height of the tower shortly after sighting at about thirty-five degrees at the estimated ten kilometers – resulting in an estimated height of 7 km – this result did not surprise me due to the enormity of the “tower” and the time taken to approach and pass it.

The top disk easily spanned four parallel, vertically held fingers, which after some rough trig. works out to an estimated diameter of at least 1,7 km. The bottom disk of the “tower” was some ten degrees above ground, which would put it at 1,8 km altitude – and a resulting “total tower height of approximately 5,2 km. These are of course estimates but I would guarantee them as being within 20% of the true dimensions.

No unusual sound was heard that would have apparently emitted from the “tower” or individual disks during the entire event. No electronic / electromechanical or physiological disturbance was noted, beyond the induced emotional effects of the sighting.

The orthogonal distance to our right as we passed the tower was difficult to judge due to the effect of it seeming to “float” and the near-to-medium foreground under the apparent position of the “tower” drifting in the opposite direction of our travel underneath it. There was no clear relating landmark or beacon that I could later use as distance reference.

We mutually confirmed that we were seeing what we apparently were seeing – during this time the road was quite busy and we could tell from sideways glances, that the occupants of passing cars, and those we passed, were also all looking, and some pointing to the phenomenon – this, believe it or not, was an important objective confirmation to us.

I reported this sighting the next day to personnel at the Johannesburg Planetarium (some of whom I knew personally, having done a course in Astronomy and also having bought a 4″ Newtonian reflector telescope from them years earlier) There was little and if any, skeptical interest – further, I did not hear of any follow up, either privately or via the media.

I am not interested in publicity at all – but think that responsible reporting and thorough follow-up investigation is vital in such cases. My personal opinion is that reporting subjects should be willing to voluntarily submit to polygraph testing with regard to the reported content of sightings – such not only to support the verity and facticity of their reports, but more importantly to support a body of reliable evidence.

I would certainly be willing to submit to any verification supporting procedures.

In conclusion it may appear strange that we did not drastically slow our speed or even stop – this was however a high-speed freeway and stopping is not allowed except in emergency; further we wanted to remain in the right-hand lane, incidentally the fastest, as the “tower” was clearly going to pass on our right. The apparantly slow speed of our approach to the phenomenon was another reason motivating the maintenance of our road-speed.

One emphatically expressed opinion that I will eternally remember being uttered as we passed the tower and we observed another disk departing was: “My God, it’s a mothership and those are ‘daughter-disks’…” Whether that sentiment was anywhere near an accurate assessment we may of course never know.

I would be interested if any party who witnessed this specific event as well, or has seen a similar phenomenon, would supply their view and sighting report.


Frank Valentyn


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