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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

Spirits. Australia

ID #1617308387
Added Thu, 01/04/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
Карина QLD

While working at the mall, a witness (who participated in other meetings) she noticed a woman who had a certain look, and while watching her, she seemed to glide over the floor. 

The woman went to her desk and noticed that this woman's iris was a pale gray color, and her pupils were elongated from top to bottom, rather than the usual round shape. She couldn't take her eyes off the woman's eyes and felt mesmerized watching her. She knew she'd been asked a question, but she couldn't remember what it was or what she'd answered. She thought to herself, " What planet are you from?" And the woman quickly drove away and disappeared. 

She described the strange woman as having uneasy hair down to her ears, rather straight and dark brown in color. She was wearing a cardigan buttoned up to the top button, and the dress just seemed to hang on her. It seemed that she was not dressed for the times, but rather like in the days of her grandmother. She carried an old-fashioned purse on her arm. 

The witness had strange dreams in which she found herself getting off the ship and meeting a young man in his early 20s with thick curly hair, plaid trousers and a very tight jumper. She was escorting a young man in a boat-like boat to a floating ship, on top of which was a gray-type alien who seemed to be steering it. He was wearing a tight gray suit with an emblem on one side. 

She saw a ship with transparent walls and people walking inside, she thought these people were "workers".

Original news

Date: 1997
Location: Carina, Brisbane, Australia
Time: night
Summary: While working in a shopping center the witness (involved in other encounters) she noticed a woman who had a certain air about her and as she watched her she seemed to be gliding along above the floor. The woman came to her desk and she noticed that this woman’s irises were a pale gray color and her pupils were elongated from top to bottom rather than the usual round shape. She couldn’t keep her own eyes off the woman’s eyes and felt quite mesmerized by watching her. She knew she was asked a question but can’t remember what it was or what she answered. She thought to herself “what planet are you from”? And with that the woman quickly moved off and disappeared. She described the strange woman as having un-styled hair that was just to her ears, fairly straight and a mousy brown color. She wore a cardigan done up to the top button and the dress seemed to just hang on her. She didn’t seem to be dressed for the times but more like in her grandmother’s days. She carried an old fashioned handbag over her arm. The witness has experienced strange dreams in which she has found herself getting out of a ship and meeting a young man about 20 years old with tight curly hair, plaid trousers and a very tight-fitting jumper. She accompanied the young man on a dinghy like boat into a floating craft, on the top of the craft there was a gray type alien that appeared to be steering it. He wore a tight-fitting gray suit with an emblem on one side. She saw a craft with transparent walls and people walking inside, she thought these people were “workers”.
Source:  UFO Research Queensland, Australia


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
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The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
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