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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

The Alien. Brazil

ID #1617448167
Added Sat, 03/04/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
27.04.1998 20:00
Аврора - CE

The main witness, Ursulina and her husband, were asleep in bed when they heard a noise resembling that of a man trying to open a door at the back of the house. The cat was also very agitated. Her husband, Francisco, went to investigate, and Ursulina stayed in bed and prayed.

Soon, she heard a sound like a tuned radio, and then a bright blue light entered the room. Looking at the bedroom door, she saw a strange creature standing there. 

She described the creature as being about 1.50 meters tall, with a huge head out of proportion to the rest of its body, broad shoulders, a very thin waist, and long, dangling arms. He had huge black eyes, a small lipless mouth; he was also hairless and had small "bumps" where his nose should have been. She described the clothing as a brown skin-tight jumpsuit, with straps and boots. 

The creature stared at Ursuline. Despite her terror, she managed to ask the creature what it wanted. She heard an unintelligible reply and called out to her husband. 

At the same time, the creature ran out the door and disappeared down the corridor. Her husband apparently saw the figure run out of the bedroom.

Original news

Date: April 27 1998
Location: Aurora Ceara, Brazil
Time: 2000
Summary: The main witness, Ursulina and her husband were in bed sleeping when they heard a noise resembling that of someone attempting to open the door in the rear of the house. The cat was also acting very agitated. Her husband, Francisco, went to investigate while Ursulina remained behind in bed praying. Soon she heard a sound resembling a radio being tuned and then a bright blue light invaded the room. Looking towards the door of the bedroom she saw a strange creature standing there. She described the entity as being about 1.50 meters in height, with a huge head not in proportion to the rest of the body, wide shoulders, and very thin waist, long dangling arms. It had huge black eyes, a small lipless mouth; it was also hairless and had little “bumps” where the nose should have been. She described the clothing as a brown tight-fitting coverall, with belts and boots. The entity stared intently at Ursulina. Despite her terror she managed to ask the entity what it wanted. She heard an unintelligible reply and then screamed for her husband. At that same instant the creature ran out the door and disappeared down the corridor. Her husband apparently was able to see the figure run from the bedroom.
Source: Painel OVNI


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
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Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
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The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
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