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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

The Alien. Australia

ID #1617535898
Added Sun, 04/04/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
17.07.1998 03:00
Брисбен QLD

The man named Peter suddenly woke up, feeling very alert. The bedroom was flooded with a very bright flashing light that came from behind the bedroom window. The curtains were closed, but light flooded the room. 

A few moments later, a tall, thin man walked straight through the wall or window and stopped at the end of the bed. When the witness stared at him, the creature said:

"Hello, old friend." 

The witness lay on his back and stared at the creature for a few seconds, and then a very white gray woman entered the bedroom through the wall to his left. 

The witness looked at her and thought about taking out his hunting knife from under the pillow, which he kept there in its scabbard. He rolled to the right and pulled out a knife. He turned back to the woman and noticed the look of fear on her face, and immediately stepped back over the wall. 

The tall male figure had also left the room by this time, and the flashing light went out. Peter lay for a few minutes, hanging on to the knife, straining his ears and eyes, trying to figure out what was going to happen next. 

Peter reports that, apparently, for the next 3 hours, up to 06:00, he was "scanned" by something similar to moderate static electricity. Sometimes in the waist, torso, or from the top of the head to the feet. At this time, he heard a female voice speaking to him. She spoke softly and continuously, without stopping to catch her breath or start a new sentence, so the witness thought that she was communicating with him telepathically. He was never afraid, but he felt uneasy. 

In the morning, he couldn't remember what the woman had said to him. At this time, he also heard sounds like groups of small feet running around on the roof. He thought that if they entered, he would attack them, and the running would stop. 

At exactly 06: 00, he heard a man's voice:

"Good... good." 

The scan stopped and everything went back to normal, after which the witness fell asleep. The next day, his computer stopped working.

Original news

Location. Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
Date: July 17 1998
Time: 0300A
A man named Peter suddenly woke up feeling keenly alert. The bedroom was filled with a very bright flashing light that was coming from outside of the bedroom window. The curtains were closed yet the light filled the room. Moments later a tall thin male being walked straight through the wall or the window and stood at the end of the bed. As the witness stared at him, the being said, “Hello old friend.” The witness laid there on his back staring at the being for a few seconds and then a very white female gray type being entered the bedroom through the wall on his left-hand side. The witness looked at her and thought about getting his hunting knife from under the pillow, which he kept there in a scabbard. He rolled over to his right and pulled the knife out. He turned back to the female being and noticed that she had a scared look on her face and immediately retreated back through the wall. The tall male figure had by now also left the room and the flashing light went out. Peter laid there for a few minutes hanging onto the knife and straining his ears and eyes trying to figure out what was going to happen next. Peter reports that he was apparently “scanned” for the next 3 hours right up to 0600A by something that felt like mild static electricity. Sometimes over his waist area or his torso or from the top of his head down to his feet. During this time he heard a female voice talking to him. She spoke gently and continually without stopping to take a breath or to start a new sentence, so the witness thought that she was communicating to him telepathically. At no time did he felt scared but did feel concerned. In the morning he could not remember what the female was saying to him. During that time he also heard sounds like groups of little feet running on his roof. He thought that if they came in he would attack them and the running stopped. At exactly 0600A he heard a male voice say, “Good…good.” The scanning ceased and all appeared normal again, the witness then drifted off to sleep. His computer wouldn’t work the next day.
Source: Glennys Mackay QUFON


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