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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

Spirits. Russia

ID #1617551710
Added Sun, 04/04/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
полуостров Казантип , Азовское море , Крым

The captain of the traffic police Vasily on Sunday evening caught a bull in a small bay near the Tatar Bay and, satisfied with the catch, began to collect his fishing gear, intending to cook fish soup, when he suddenly saw at a distance of 30-40 meters, directly opposite him, a strange creature coming out of the waters of the Sea of Azov.

The creature was humanoid in appearance and clearly resembled a woman. Her body was completely white, and he estimated her age at about 30 years. She had huge, inhuman blue eyes in an incredibly beautiful face. She stared at the witness. The strange woman did not walk, but floated on the surface of the water, her arms outstretched.

Vasily crossed himself, but the female figure did not disappear. She had long black hair that fell below her waist. The woman raised her hands and said in a gentle voice:

"Vasya, come to me, I have everything here."

The witness felt paralyzed, unable to move any part of his body. As if hypnotized and under complete control, his body began to slowly approach the strange woman.

When the distance to her was only a few meters, Vasily finally came out of his stupor and reacted violently, shouting obscenities at the woman, who slowly turned around and disappeared under the surface of the water, after which Vasily regained control of his body and was able to move independently.

Terrified, he ran home, not remembering how he got there. When he got home, he realized that he had forgotten his fishing rod and catch. He didn't tell anyone about what happened until 2004.

Original news

Location. Szyelkino, Kazantip peninsula, Sea of Azov, Crimea, Ukraine
Date: August 1998
Time: evening
Traffic police captain, Vasiliy had been fishing for bullhead at a small bay near Tatarskaya bay on a Sunday evening and satisfied with his catch, he began collecting his fishing gear, intending to prepare some fish soup, at that same moment he saw a strange creature at a distance of 30-40 meters away, straight across from him, coming out of the waters of the Sea of Azov. The creature was humanoid in appearance, looking evidently like a woman. Her body was completely white and he estimated her age to be around 30 years old. She had huge inhuman blue eyes on an incredibly beautiful face. She stared intently at the witness. The strange woman was not walking but rather floating over the surface of the water and her arms were stretched forward. Vasiliy crossed himself, but the female figure did not vanish. She had long black hair falling down below her waist. The woman raised her arms and said in a tender voice, “Vasya, come to me, I have everything in here” The witness felt paralyzed, unable to move any part of his body. Like hypnotized and under total control, his body began slowly approaching the strange woman. When the distance from her was only several meters, Vasiliy finally snapped out of his stupor and reacted fiercely, screaming obscenities at the woman, who slowly turned around and disappeared under the surface of the water, Vasiliy then regained control of his body and he was able to move on his own accord. Terribly frightened he ran home not remembering how he got there. Upon arriving home he realized that he had left his fishing rod and catch behind. He never told anybody about what occurred until 2004.
Source: Vladimir Zheleznyak in: “Secrets & Mysteries of the Crimea” 2004
Date:  August   1998


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
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Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
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The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
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