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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

The Alien. Brazil

ID #1617657222
Added Tue, 06/04/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
Рио-де-Жанейро - RJ

The witness was lying alone in his bed (he stayed with his parents at their villa), he always kept the light on, as he did not sleep in the dark. Then the bathroom light came on and the door was open. But he didn't remember leaving the door open. 

He looked in the direction of the bathroom and thought:

"My God, what happened? The door is open. I didn't leave it open. Weird." 

And then he blinked. Blinking, he opened his eyes again, he was standing by his bed. The room seemed much larger, as if it were stretching out. Then he looked around and saw two creatures standing next to him. They were tall, much taller than he was. They were wearing strange, glowing jumpsuits. It was two men with red hair, they took his hands, and he froze. 

Then he hears a message in his head:

"Don't worry. We're going to do something, and you'll relax. It's for your own good." 

Then he began to move, leaning forward but swimming. He was now floating face down. He could see their feet, and then they said:

"We're going to stick something in you, and then we're going to make you sleep, because it's going to hurt a little." 

And then he lost consciousness and woke up the next day with a little pain in his back. For the next month, he couldn't sleep.

Original news

Date:  November 1998
Location:  Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Time:  night
Summary:  The witness was laying down alone in his bed (he was staying with his parents in their villa), he always kept the light on, since he did not sleep in the dark. There was then a light in the bathroom and the door was open. But he did not remember leaving the door open. He looked towards the bathroom and thought “My God, what happened? The door is opened. I did not leave it open. Strange.” And then he blinked his eyes. After he blinked he opened his eyes again, he was standing beside his bed. The room seemed much larger, as if it stretched. He then looked around and saw two beings beside him. They were tall, much taller than he was. They were dressed in a strange glowing jumpsuit. They were two men with red hair, they then hold his hands and he freezes. He then hears a message inside his head, “Don’t worry. We are going to do something and you will relax. This is for your good.” Then he started to move, leaning forward, but floating. He was now floating with his face towards the floor. He could see their legs, and then they said, “We are going to put something in you, then we are going to make you sleep now because it is going to hurt a little bit.” And then he blacked out and woke up the next day with a little pain in his back. He could not sleep for the next month.


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
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Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
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The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
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