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The Alien. Colombia

ID #1618823452
Added Mon, 19/04/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 

Colombia: Cundinamarca-a region known for UFOs and kidnappings

The mountains of the municipality of Tabio, Cundinamarca, not only hide the treasures of the natural beauty of our country, but, according to the inhabitants of these places, also seem to have been a place where creatures from other worlds came. 

On April 5, 1991, a farmer from the area disappeared without a trace, but he was only found in Pitalito, Huila, and claimed to have been abducted by aliens.

Luis Eberto Rodriguez was almost 37 years old and told the local newspaper El Tiempo that he left home early on horseback for work when he was intercepted by a device with a powerful light beam. 

"I was placed in a glass cabinet, which contained three creatures in silver suits, who forced me to pull down my pants and put the glass on my back. When the lights were turned on, I would lose consciousness and see a tunnel with many entrances, as if I were flying on an airplane, " the newspaper said.

 In 2015, Blu Radio revived Rodriguez's story, saying that a man wakes up at night and tells his wife that he sees strange lights in the sky. His wife, as well as local residents, called him crazy and thought that his story was the result of alcohol abuse. However, the station added that after the alleged kidnapping, Rodriguez - an uneducated peasant-spoke fluently and offered strange messages.

Both media outlets spoke to UFO expert William Chavez, who spent several years studying the mountains between Tabio and Tenjo, gathering information about the presence of extraterrestrials, and also had his own experience with them. Chavez claims to have more than 100 images, audio and video documenting the presence of UFOs in this part of Cundinamarca.

The events are united by La Peña de Huaica, also known as the Gate of the Gods, a mountainous region located among the municipalities of Cundinamarca. According to the newspaper El Espectador, on September 24, 1995, after a heavy rainstorm, ufologist Chavez was in the area and had contact with creatures from another world; an event witnessed by more than a dozen people camping along the El Santuario trail.

 Since the 1960s, Chavez told El Tiempo, Huayca residents have reported strange disappearances of its residents. He told the story of an 18-year-old man who disappeared in 1960 and reappeared in 1980, and was still 18 years old. Time had no effect on him. 

"His mother got old and had cancer. He said that he returned to heal her by visiting with some creatures known as "altaluz"(zest) from the Huaika dimension."

 Similar stories are told by residents and visitors who see the lights and essences in La Peña, and for this reason it attracts lovers of curiosity. The History Channel and other networks were interested in stories about alleged alien contact on the mountain or in the surrounding Kundinamark Mountains.

 Beyond Peña de Huaica, you can see both locals and visitors of the city demonstrating abnormal behavior. They attribute them to unidentified flying objects or mystical creatures from other times.

 The lights of La Peña were identified by the Muisca communities, who, according to an article in El Tiempo from 1996, attributed them to visits by the gods, calling them "illuminated shacks" or believing them to be dancing horses. The 16th-century Spaniards also referred to the peak as "the top of the dancing lights".

 Local farmers and knowledgeable people explain this event in different ways. Some say that this is a special electromagnetic force that has not been established. Others believe in the presence of UFOs in this place, and some believe in hidden treasures, so-called guakas, hidden in colonial times by local natives.

Original news

Source: PLANETA UFO and INFOBAE (Argentina)

Date: Sunday, April 18, 2021

 Colombia: Cundinamarca - A Region Known for UFOs and Abductions

 The mountains of the municipality of Tabio, Cundinamarca, not only conceal treasures of our country's natural beauty, but also seem to have been a place visited by beings from other worlds, according to the areas inhabitants. On April 5, 1991, a peasant from this area vanished without a trace, only to be found in Pitalito, Huila, and claiming to have been abducted by extraterrestrials.

 Luis Heberto Rodríguez was nearly 37 and informed local newspaper El Tiempo that he left home early on horseback toward his job when he was intercepted by a device with a powerful beam of light. "I was placed in a glass cabinet which contained three silver-suited beings who made me take my pants down and placed a glass on my back. Whenever the light turned on, I lost consciousness, and I could see a tunnel with many entrances, as if I was flying in a plane," according to the newspaper account.

 In 2015 Blu Radio resurrected Rodríguez's story, saying that the man would wake up at night and tell his wife that he was seeing strange lights in the sky. His wife, as well as the locals, called him crazy and thought his story was the result of alcohol abuse. However, the radio station added that following his alleged abduction, Rodríguez - an uneducated peasant - spoke fluidly and proffered strange messages.

 This is how newspaper El Tiempo presented the story in 1991:


 Both media have spoken with UFO expert William Chávez, who has studied the mountains between Tabio and Tenjo for several years, compiling information about the presence of aliens, and also has had his own experiences with them. Chávez claims having over 100 images, audios and videos documenting the presence of UFOs in that part of Cundinamarca.

 The events share in common La Peña de Juaica, also known as the Gateway of the Gods, a mountainous region located amid the municipalities of Cundinamarca. According to newspaper El Espectador, on 24 September 1995, following a massive downpour, ufologist Chávez was in the area and had contact with beings of another world; an event witnessed by over a dozen people camped along the El Santuario trail.

 Since the 1960s, Chavez told El Tiempo, residents of Juaica have been reporting the strange disappearances of its residents. He told the story of an 18-yearold man who vanished in 1960 and reappeared in 1980, and was still 18 years old. The passing of time had exerted no effect on him. "His mother had aged and was afflicted with cancer. He said he had returned to heal her, having been with some beings known as 'altaluz' (highlight) from the Huaica dimension."

 Stories like this are told by residents and visitors who see lights and entities in La Peña, and for this reason it attracts curiosity-seekers. History Channel and other networks have been interested in stories regarding alleged alien contact on the mountain or the surrounding Cundinamarcan sierras.

 Locals and visitors alike state light exhibiting abnormal behavior can be seen behind Peña de Juaica. They attribute them to unidentified flying objects or mystical beings from other times.

 The lights of La Peña were identified by Muisca communities, who according to an article in El Tiempo from 1996, ascribed them to visits from the gods, calling them 'illuminated shacks' or believing they were dancing horses. Spaniards of the 16th century had also called the peak "the summit of dancing lights"

 Local peasantry and knowledgeable people have different explanations for the event. Some say it is a special electromagnetic force, which has not been ascertained; others believe in the presence of UFOs in the place and some believe in hidden treasures, the so-called guacas, concealed in colonial times by local natives.

 [Translation © 2020 S. Corrales, IHU with thanks to Guillermo Giménez, Planeta UFO]


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Rocket launches (from space.skyrocket.de)

  • Site: () Vehicle: Shuttle Payload: Atlantis F 8 (STS-37) CGRO


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