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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

The Alien. Russia

ID #1621952577
Added Tue, 25/05/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
Kaliningradskaya oblast

A man named Vasily was returning from a fishing trip accompanied by several friends and was passing by a local fish cannery treatment facility when the fishermen suddenly saw a silver disk about 50 meters away. 

The disk rested on the ground on three metal legs, and flashing red and pink lights were scattered around its circumference. A few meters away from the disk, three creatures appeared to be taking soil samples. One of the aliens, who appeared to be the leader, was about 2 meters tall and stood apart from the other two, who were much shorter than him and were actually collecting samples. The humanoids flexed in ways completely impossible for normal humans; their bodies appear to be very flexible. 

At first, Vasily's dog rushed to the landing disk, but a few meters from the object stopped and began to whine wildly and run away in fear. Then Vasily and his friends got scared and hurried home after the dog. 

After this incident, Vasily began to see the same or similar UFO very often, a silver disk surrounded by red and pink lights, and usually in the summer and late at night. The UFOs appeared to be inspecting sewage facilities and other areas, apparently observing the environmental impact in the area.

Original news

Date: Summer 2000
Location: Svetly, Kaliningrad region, Russia
Time: evening
Summary: A man named Vasiliy was returning from a day of fishing accompanied by several friends and was passing by a local purification plant for the tinned-fish food factory when suddenly the fishermen saw a silvery disk at about 50 meters from them. The disk was resting on the ground on three metallic leg-like structures and had blinking red-pink lights spaced around its circumference. Several meters from the disk three entities appeared to be taking soil samples. One of the aliens who was apparently the leader was about 2 meters in height and was standing apart from the other two, which were much shorter than he was and were actually collecting the samples. The humanoids were bending down in ways utterly impossible for normal humans; their bodies appear to be much flexible. At first Vasiliy’s dog rushed towards the landed disk but several meters from the object it stopped and began to whine and whimper wildly, running away in fear. At this point Vasiliy and his friends became scared so they hurried home following the dog. After this incident, Vasiliy began to see the same or similar UFO very often, a silver disc encircled with red-pinkish lights and usually during the summer and late at night. The UFOs seemed to be inspecting the sewage facilities and other areas apparently monitoring the ecological impact in the area.
Source: Denis Rozhnov, “Komsomolskaya Pravda in Kaliningrad” February 27 2004 # 37.


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The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
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