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The Alien. United Kingdom

ID #1622730773
Added Thu, 03/06/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
Глен Этив
United Kingdom

Euan Cameron and his wife Debbie were on their way home from a week-long holiday in the Scottish Highlands. The day was mild but overcast. On the way back, they decided to stop the car and go for a walk in Glen Etive to stretch their legs. Glen Etive Road departs from the A82 and leads down Glen Etive for 14 miles to the top of Loch Etive. Not far from it, the couple parked on the side of the road and set off. The road runs along the Etive River. Ewen took binoculars and a Sony DSC-F717 camera with him in case he needed to photograph some beautiful scenery.

After walking for a while, Evan noticed a blue object on the riverbank about 500 meters ahead of them. At first, he assumed it was someone fishing. But when he looked through the binoculars, all he could see was a square of dark blue. 

It seemed to have a spotty effect, almost like army camouflage. The square shape didn't look particularly large, perhaps a meter wide and down. At that time, he didn't think about it anymore. They continued down the road, and as they did so, the blue object disappeared from view over the side of the hill. 

Soon they were at a bend in the road. At the same time, they saw a woman about 30 meters away from them. It was about where the square object appeared to be. She was sitting on the bank of the river on a rock that jutted out into the water. She was wearing a blue rain jacket zipped up over a white blouse, black leggings, and brown walking boots. She had short black hair. There were several objects lying on the stone in front of her. 

When Ewen and Debbie reached her position and were not quite close to her, she turned and looked at them. It seemed a little strange to Ewen, as she probably wouldn't have heard the approach over the noise of the flowing water. When the "lady" saw them, she stood up. They noticed that she was slender and quite tall, about six feet (1.8 m) tall. She went forward and picked up one of the things that looked like a notebook. Then she returned it to where she was before, and sat cross-legged. Ewen and Debbie decided that a woman should be an artist (from the future?)

Evan was a little annoyed by the presence of this lady, as he felt that the surroundings might have made a good photograph if it had not been there. They began to move away from her location. A little further down the road, Evan decided to take the picture anyway, mentioning that the woman was later edited. He turned off the road and walked a short distance along the embankment to the river. 

Since he didn't want to intimidate the woman, he kept walking away from her, then without warning, he turned around and quickly took a picture. When he returned to the road, Debbie told him that she had suddenly become ill. She later told him that the woman had been watching him the whole time. They walked back to the car. When they were almost back, another man climbed the embankment onto the road a few yards in front of them. He was acting strangely and avoiding eye contact. 

Back at home, Ewen decided to scan and check out the photos he had taken during the week. When he got to the photo by the river, he was confused by what he saw. He found that in the place of both the woman and the objects in front of her, there was a short, pale or glowing figure with a blue square behind it. The figure was a meter tall. Detailed details could not be seen.

Original news

Date: May 8 2004 
Location:   Glen Etive, Scotland
Time:  evening
Summary:  Ewan Cameron and his wife Debbie were on their way home from a week’s holiday in the Scottish Highlands. It was a mild but overcast day. On the way back they decided to stop the car for a break, and go for a walk in Glen Etive to stretch their legs. The Glen Etive Road comes off the A82 and leads down Glen Etive for 14 miles to the head of Loch Etive.
A short distance along it, the couple parked at the side of the road and began their walk. The road runs alongside the Etive River. Ewan took with him his binoculars and Sony DSC-F717 camera in case there was any nice scenery to photograph.
After walking awhile, Ewan noticed a blue colored object by the river’s edge about 500 meters ahead of them. He assumed at first it was someone fishing. But when he looked through his binoculars all he could see was a navy blue colored square. It appeared to have a mottled effect to it, almost like army camouflage. The square shape did not look particularly large, perhaps a meter across and down. He thought nothing more of it at the time. They continued along the road, and as they did the blue object was lost from sight behind a hillside. A short while later they came around a bend in the road. As they did they saw a woman about 30 meters away from them. She was approximately where the square object had appeared to be. She was sitting by the edge of the river on a rock that was jutting out into the water. She appeared to be wearing a blue waterproof jacket zipped up over a white blouse, black leggings and brown walking boots. She had short black hair. There were several items lying out on the rock in front of her. As Ewan and Debbie approached her position and were not quite side on with her, she turned and looked at them. Ewan found this a little odd as she would certainly have not heard then approaching due to the sound of the running water. When the ‘lady’ saw them, she stood up. They noticed she was slim and quite tall, about six feet in height. she walked forward and picked up one of the objects, which looked like a sketchpad. She then returned it when she had been and sat down cross-legged. Ewan and Debbie decided that the woman must be an artist (from the future?).
Ewan was a little annoyed at the presence of the lady, as he felt the surroundings would make a nice photo if she wasn’t there. They started to walk away from her location. A little further along the road Ewan decided to take the photograph anyway, with the mention of editing out the woman later on. He left the road and walked a short distance down the embankment towards the river. As he didn’t want to intimidate the lady, he continued to walk away from her, then without warning turned and quickly took the photo. When he returned to the road, Debbie informed him that she had suddenly started to feel ill. She would later inform him that the woman had watched him the entire time. They began their walk back to the car. When they were almost back, another man clambered up the embankment onto the road a few yards in front of them. He appeared to be acting strangely and seemed to avoiding eye contact. Once back home, Ewan decided to scan in and check the photographs he had taken during the week. When he got to the photo by the river he was confused by what he saw. He found in place of both the woman and the objects in front of her was what appeared to be a short pale or glowing figure with a blue square behind it. The figure appeared to be a meter in height. No detailed features could be made out.
Source:   Dave Hodrien, Birmingham UFO Group   http://reported-sigtings.blogspot.com


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