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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

The Alien. United States

ID #1623338036
Added Thu, 10/06/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
03.2005 21:30
Лос-Анджелес, CA
United States

The witness was standing on the steps of his house smoking a cigarette when he suddenly had the impulse to look up at the sky. Recently, he read reports of people who had seen UFOs and decided to try to telepathically contact them. He looked up and saw what he thought was a UFO, and was able to make telepathic contact. He asked if they were there, and they said, " Yes." 

Recently, he had terrible nightmares, and he decided to ask them if they were the cause, and they said yes. 

He asked them why he was having nightmares. The reason they gave it was because it meant something special to them. He then asked them to stop scaring him that he was mortally afraid of them. They said they couldn't stop because he wasn't born here, on earth they meant (!). The witness asked what they meant, and they replied that they had created it and that it was one of their experiments. 

Then he asked them if they were going to take them again, and they said yes. 

The witness then told them to "not scare him too much." To which they replied, " Let's try it." 

That night they came for him, and the witness was able to remember everything. He remembered the aliens coming through his bedroom door, which was closed. He looked at his watch and it was 03: 30. He screamed and cried. 

He described the creatures as being about 3 or 4 feet (0.9-1.2 m) tall, with a slit for a mouth, large egg-shaped heads, and large almond-shaped eyes with pupils resembling those of a cat. They were very thin and had very long fingers, of which he counted five on each hand. There were four humanoids in total. They told him not to be afraid. But the witness became hysterical and told the humanoids to leave, while he screamed uncontrollably. 

Then they stared at him, and he began to calm down a little, but he was still crying. Still sobbing, they led him into a small croissant-shaped scout boat with a large ramp about 10 feet (3 m) long and 20 feet (6 m) wide. 

According to his estimate, the "scout ship" had a length of 20 to 27 feet (6-8.1 m) and a height of 13 to 18 feet (3.9-5.4 m). They led him by the hand, and as soon as he was inside, they tied him to a slab that looked like a capital T, and then they stripped him. 

All the while, one of them told him that his name was Morrin. The aliens were talking, and all the witnesses who heard were English, he thought they might have used telepathy, but still heard sounds coming from their "mouths". The sounds were a mixture of grunts, screams, groans, and one that was too scary to make out. 

Then, when the ship docked with the mother ship, he was rolled or felt like he was being taken to their medical center, while still crying. Morrin told him that it was an experiment aimed at promoting their breeding program, and that they had tried to adapt their hybrids to make them feel emotions, but so far they had failed, and that they just needed some understanding of what they called human interaction and emotions. 

The witness then asked why, and they said they were still trying to find out. Then he decided to tell them that if he was their "creation", how could they not know, and they said they were just "working for them, and they weren't told anything".

 The witness then asked who "they" were, the humanoids then pointed to the left, and when he looked, he saw what looked like a "Nordic" type creature, but it was too thin and had blood-red hair. They then took blood and semen samples. 

After about four hours of psychological questioning, when the witness felt that he was being treated like a test subject, he was returned home. He asked them never to come back for him, and they said no.

Original news

Location. Los Angeles area, California
Date: March 2005
Time: 2130 and 330A
The witness was standing out on the steps of his house smoking a cigarette when he suddenly had the impulse to look up in the sky. Recently he had read about reports of people who had seen a UFO and decided to attempt telepathic contact. He looked up and saw what he thought was a UFO and was able to make telepathic contact. He asked if they were there and they said, “Yes”. Recently he had been having horrible nightmares and decided to ask them if they were the cause and they said yes. He asked them why they had been giving him the nightmares. The reason they gave him was that he meant something special to them. He then asked them to please stop scaring him that he was deathly afraid of them. They said that they couldn’t stop because he was not born here, on earth they meant (!). The witness asked what did they mean and they answered that they had created him and that he was one of their experiments. He then asked them if they were going to take them again and they said yes. The witness then told them to try “not to scare him to much”. To which they replied “we will try”. That same night they came for him and the witness was able to remember everything. He remembered the aliens coming through his bedroom door which was closed. He looked at his watch and it said 0330A. He screamed and started to cry. He described the beings as about 3 or 4 ft tall, with slit for mouths, egg-shaped large heads, with large almond shaped eyes with pupils that resembled those of a cat. They were very thin and had very long fingers, which he counted five on each hand. There were a total of four humanoids. They told him not to be afraid. But the witness was becoming hysterical and was telling the humanoids to go away, while he screamed uncontrollably. They then stared at him and he began to calm down a bit but was still crying. Still sobbing, they led him into what appeared to be a small scout vessel shaped like a croissant, which had a large ramp about 10 ft long and 20 ft wide. He estimated the “scout ship” to have been about 20 to 27 ft long and about 13 to 18 ft high. They led him by the hand and as soon as he was inside he was strapped to a slab that looked like an uppercase “T” after that they disrobed him. All the while this was happening one of them told him that his name was Morrin. The aliens were speaking and all the witness heard was English, he thought they might have been using telepathy, but he still heard sounds coming out of their “mouths”. The sounds were a mixture of grunts, shrieks, groans and one to scary to make out. Then when the ship docked with the mother ship he was rolled or felt like he was being rolled to their medical center, all the while he was still crying. Morrin told him that he was an experiment meant to advance their breeding program and that they had tried to adapt their hybrids to feel emotions but so far they had failed and that they just needed some insight into what they called human interaction and emotions. The witness then asked why he and they replied that they were still trying to find out. He then decided to tell them that if he was their “creation” how could they not know and they said that they were just “working for them and they were not told anything”. The witness then asked who were “they”, the humanoids then pointed to their left and when he looked, he saw what looked like a “Nordic” type being but it was much too thin and it had blood red colored hair. They then proceeded to take blood and sperm samples. After about four hours of mental interrogation as the witness felt being treated like a test subject he was returned home. He asked them to please never come back for him and they said “no”.
Source: http://www.alien-ufos.com/forum


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