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The Alien. Russia

ID #1623344206
Added Thu, 10/06/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
18.05.2005 11:30
Плато Демерджи

26-year-old Andrey Aleksandrovich Zabava was in the company of several friends from the city of Yalta and gathered for a picnic in the area of the Izobilnensky reservoir to the north-west of the city of Alushta. Then Andrey borrowed a UAZ-469 (a Russian version of a jeep) to drive a few kilometers to a place he desperately wanted to visit. He drove north and turned right, passing the village of Lavanda, and then left into the southern part of the Mount Demerdzhi area (1239 m) before the village of Luchistoe.

There, the jeep got stuck in the mud and mud and couldn't move on. Instinctively, he recalled the 1994 incident at the alien base known to be located in the region, and walked about 4-5 km northeast, first climbing the western slope of Mount Demerji, then descending north, then climbing east to a cave on the Demerji Plateau about 2-3 km east of North Demerji.

As reported by the local group for the study of UFOs (Terra group), somewhere in the northern part of Mount Demerdzhi is a disguised alien navigation beacon. The cave that Andrew was looking for was called the “ghost cave”, which is only visible if its “owners” want someone to visit or go inside. The cave is not on any map. Andrey knew nothing about the cave, but he was guided by instinct. He entered a cave that was more like a grotto, the ceiling was high enough for him to enter. Inside, a strange light from an invisible source illuminated the cave quite well.

He saw stalactites and stalagmites growing on both the floor and ceiling of the cave; then he came across a small underground lake, and then he came across a protective and decontaminating field that resembled the surface of a mirror, similar to vertical standing water from the ceiling to the ground.

He touched it with his hand and felt the warmth. Then the "screen" changed shape, and he saw the outline of a human figure, probably helping him " pass” through the shield. After a moment, he entered and felt his body feel lighter and fresher, like after a shower, and his breathing became much easier, the air apparently much cleaner than outside.

Then he found himself in a strange room, like a hall of "mirrors" that constantly changed their appearance, with strange doors changing shape and forming gates of various shapes, rectangular, triangular, oval and round, opening visible passages and corridors behind them.

In the middle of the room stood a tall humanoid creature,about 2-2. 5 meters tall. The alien was obviously the same one that Andrey had met in 1994. He was wearing a gray-and-white fur-lined skin-tight suit. The humanoid had 5-finger hands. This time, what appeared to be a transparent dashboard (or helmet screen) covered his face, especially the area around his eyes. Andrey realized that this is a special filter that protects the eyes of the aliens from the bright sunlight outside.

Andrey could not yet understand whether this alien was a living, fully intelligent being or just a biological robot or a cybernetic organism that was used as a guard for the alien base. They then entered into a telepathic conversation, and the alien said:

"So you've found your way in!”

Andrey could only answer:

"Hello”, which the alien also did.

They stood in the room and talked for a few minutes, and Andrey asked about the rapidly changing corridors or doors that he had seen earlier, the alien replied that they were actually passageways to the base or station located about 300 meters away. Andrei thought that there must have been another cave entrance on the north side of the base.

The alien reportedly told Andrew that they were welcoming more visitors, that it would actually be “beneficial” for them. When asked if this could interfere with their activities or operations, the humanoid replied:

"Not at all, no one will stop them. We're all scientists here”"

After the end of the conversation, Andrey left the cave the same way as he entered, and then went down a curved pass on a rocky slope about 4-5 km to the road and managed to drive the jeep away from the area. According to Andrey, the battery of his electronic watch completely melted.

A few days later, Andrey and Dr. Anton Anfalov (source) tried to visit this place, but to no avail. Apparently, Andrey was not fully trusted, he remembered that during a telepathic conversation with an alien, this person said that he was also initially not trusted and now he is the head of the security service of the base.

Original news

Location. Demerdzhi plateau, Crimea, Ukraine
Date: May 18 2005
Time: 1130A-noon
26-year old Andrey Alexandrovich Zabava was in the company of several friends from the town of Yalta and had gathered for a picnic in an area near the Izobilnenskoye water reservoir NW of the town of Alushta. Andrey then borrowed a UAZ-469 vehicle (Russian Jeep version) to drive several km to a location that he wanted to desperately visit. He drove north and turned right passing the village of Lavanda and then left to the Southern Mt. Demerdzhi area (1239m) before the village of Luchistoye. There the Jeep got stuck in some mud and muck and was unable to go on any further. By instinct he remembered the 1994 incident in the alien base known to be in the region and walked about 4-5km towards the northeast, first climbing the western slope of Mt. Demerdzhi and then down north and then up eastward to a cave on the Demerdzhi plateau about 2-3km east of Northern Demerdzhi. As was reported by a local UFO group (Terra group) there is a camouflaged alien navigational beacon somewhere inside Northern Mt Demerdzhi. The cave that Andrey was looking for was called the “ghost cave” that is visible only if its “owners” want anyone to visit or come inside. The cave is not on any map. Andrey knew nothing about the cave but was led by instinct. He entered the cave, which looked more like a grotto, the ceiling high enough for him to walk in. Inside a strange light from an invisible source illuminated the cave quite well. He saw stalactites and stalagmites growing both on the floor and the ceiling of the cave; he then came upon a small underground lake and then stumbled upon a protective and decontaminative field resembling the surface of a mirror, similar to vertical standing water from ceiling to ground. He touched it with his hand and he felt warmth. The “screen” then changed shape and he could see the outline of a human figure probably assisting him in “passing through” the shield. In a moment he walked through and felt his body become lighter and refreshed just like after taking a shower, and it was much more easy breath as well, the air apparently much cleaner than outside. He then found himself in a strange room, like a hall of “mirrors” which constantly changed in appearance, with strange doors changing shape and forming gateways of different shapes, rectangular, triangle, oval and circular revealing visible passageways and corridors beyond them. A tall humanoid entity was standing in the middle of the room; he was about 2-2.5m in height. The alien was obviously the same one Andrey had met in 1994; he wore a gray-whitish furred tight-fitting suit. The humanoid had 5-fingered hands. This time what appeared to be a transparent dashboard (or helmet screen) covered his face, especially the area around the eyes. Andrey understood it to be a special filter to protect the aliens’ eyes from the bright sun light outside. Andrey couldn’t yet understand if this alien was a living, totally intelligent creature or just a biological robot or cybernetic organism which was used as security for the alien base. They then entered into telepathic conversation and the alien said, “So you have found the way in!” Andrey could only answer, “Hello” (or Hi_) which the alien also did. They stood in the room and communicated for several minutes and Andrey asked about the fast changing corridors or doors he had previously seen, the alien answered that those were actually passageways to the base or station located about 300 meters away. Andrey thought that there must have been another cavern gateway to the base on the northern side.
The alien reportedly told Andrey that they welcomed more visitors that it would be actually “beneficial” for them. Asked if it might hinder their activity or operations the humanoid replied, “Not at all, nobody would hinder them. We are all scientists here”. After the conversation was over Andrey left the cave the same way that he had entered, and then descended down the curved pass on the rocky slope about 4-5 km to the road and managed to drive the Jeep away from the area. According to Andrey the battery of his electronic watch had completely melted. Several days later Andrey and Dr. Anton Anfalov (source) attempted to visit the location but were not successful. Apparently Andrey was not completely trusted, he remembered that during the telepathic conversation with the alien this one said the he was also originally not trusted and was now chief of security at the base.
Source: Andrey “Jack” Zabava, and Anton Anfalov personal interrogation


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