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Spirits. Mexico

ID #1623357681
Added Thu, 10/06/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
17.06.2005 07:00
Unidad Habitacional Lomas de Platero

Horacio Roque left his apartment, ready to get to work, when something strange caught his attention. It was a clear morning, and Horatio noticed a suspicious dark object just above the roof of the front building - not moving, but static and hovering. Horatio's first reaction was to go into his house and grab a video camera, so he ran inside, shouting at his sister to come out with him to see this strange thing above the building. 

They both went outside, and the thing was still there, hovering just a few feet above the roof of the front building, and Horatio's sister reacted by saying:

"What is it?» 

Horatio immediately began filming the "thing" with his video camera. When Horatio applied the camera zoom and took a closer look through the viewfinder, he experienced a big surprise that made a deep impression on him. 

According to Roque:

"It was like a human-shaped body standing upright and just hovering over the roof. I was shocked. The figure wasn't looking at me… I was looking straight at her right side. He was tall. There was no sound, and we both stood still, watching, as I continued to record." 

Then the dark body began to move slowly to the right, rose a few feet into the sky, and then hovered again, completely motionless. Horatio kept writing, even though he was very nervous and trying to control himself. 

After a few minutes, the dark figure moved to the left again, disappearing behind the roof of the building. The observation lasted about ten minutes. The video clearly shows that the figure was wearing dark loose clothing and had a red light around the waist. 

Original news

Location. Unidad Habitacional Lomas de Platero, Mexico City, Mexico
Date: June 17 2005
Time: 0700A
Horacio Roquet left his apartment ready to go to work when something strange attracted his attention. The morning was clear and Horacio noticed a dark suspicious object just above the front building’s roof—not moving but static and looking like if it was floating. Horacio’s first reaction was to go inside his home and grab his video-camera, so he ran inside shouting to his sister to come outside with him to see this bizarre thing over the building. Both of them went outside and the “thing” was still there, floating just a few feet above the front building’s roof and Horacio’s sister reacted by saying, “What is that?” Horacio immediately began taping the “thing” with his video camera. When Horacio applied the camera’s zoom and got a closer look through the viewfinder he received a major surprise which left a profound impression on him. According to Roquet, “It looked like a human-shaped body, ‘standing vertical and just floating over the roof. I was shocked. The figure was not facing me…I was looking straight at its right side. It was tall. No sound was heard and we both stood still, watching, while I continued recording.” Then the dark body started moving to the right slowly, and rose several feet in the sky and then hovered again, completely still. Horacio kept recording all the time, even though he was very nervous and was attempting to control himself. After several minutes the dark figure moved again to the left, disappearing behind the building’s roof. The sighting lasted about ten minutes. The video clearly shows that the figure was wearing a dark loose fitting outfit and had a red light around its waist.

Source: Santiago Yturria, Mexico


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
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Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
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The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
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