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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

The Alien. United States

ID #1624393584
Added Tue, 22/06/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
Биг-Беар-Лейк, CA
United States

 My son and I noticed a long white Ford van stopping about 50 feet (15 m) from the Big Bear FunPlex. 

We were waiting for a taxi to take us back to the hotel. My daughter was playing on the children's carousel. A few minutes later, when I forgot about the van, a group of young, beautiful, beautifully dressed women were walking in single file, accompanied by a couple of adults. They were all quite serious and quiet. 

Standing at the door, I looked at most of them. It was quite unusual to see so many beautiful women at the same time, so I had a mocking expression on my face, which one of them saw and looked at me as if in appreciation. It was a kind of "what are you looking at"look. 

I was very concerned about finding a taxi-it was about 30 minutes later that I only occasionally glanced at the young women. But when I did it, I noticed that their movements were almost synchronized. They still hadn't said a word, and at least five minutes had passed. The woman who was looking at me was the only one who walked around the perimeter of the other girls.

At one point, she came up to me to throw something in the trash. I instinctively moved a couple of inches away so she could throw out the trash (water bottle, not sure) without looking at her. Before we left, an elderly woman, who I think was human, said:

"Okay, girls, why don't we all come here?»

Which was only 4 feet (1.2 m) away from me. They all approached her in one movement, in complete silence. When they were all gathered together, the woman stopped talking, but everyone looked at her in silence. At that moment, the taxi was pulling up, so I shouted to my son right above the girls:

"The taxi is here!»

Then he shouted to his sister: 

"Come on!»

They walked straight through the crowd of seven or so entities to the door. They remained quiet and focused on the human lady. I didn't notice who brought the group, but according to author Charles Hall, it was most likely an elderly man who was brought in for safety. 

Here's the thing: I was so preoccupied waiting for a taxi that I didn't even know what was going on until I got home that night. But my subconscious knew what was going on and made mental notes. 

Putting it all together, I was somewhat shocked. It fitted the profile perfectly, and I witnessed it.

Original news

Date: December 22 2015
Location: Big Bear Lake, CA 
Summary:  My son and I noticed an extended, white Ford van pull up about 50′ away from the Big Bear FunPlex. We were waiting for a cab to take us back to the hotel. My daughter was playing on the kid carousel. A few minutes later, after I had forgotten about the van, an entourage of young, beautiful, nicely-dressed women walked in single file, with a couple adults escorting them. They were all quite serious and quiet. As I was standing by the door, I got a look at most of them. It was quite unusual to see so many beautiful ladies at once, so I had a quizzical look on my face, which one of them saw and looked back at me as if in acknowledgement. It was a kind of “what are you looking at” kind of look. I was very preoccupied with spotting the cab — it was about 30 minutes late — that I only occasionally looked over at the young women. When I did, though, I noticed that their movements were almost synchronized. They still hadn’t said a word, and it had been at least five minutes. The woman who looked at me was the only one walking around the perimeter of the other girls. At one point she walked up to me to throw something in the garbage. I instinctively moved back a couple inches to allow her to throw out her garbage (water bottle, not sure) without looking at her. Before we left, the older lady, who I think was a human, said, “OK girls, why don’t we all come over here,” which was only 4 feet from me. They all moved over to her in perfect silence in one motion. Once they were all together, the human lady stopped talking, but they were all watching her silently. At this point, the cab was driving up, so I yelled to my son right over the young ladies..”The cab’s here!” Then he yelled to his sister, “Come on!” They walked right through the crowd of 7 or so entities to the door. They remained quiet and focused on the human lady. I didn’t notice who had led the group in, but according to author Charles Hall, it was most likely an elder male entity brought along for security. Here’s the thing: I was so preoccupied with waiting for the cab that it didn’t occur to me what was going on until I got home that evening. But my subconscious knew what was going on and was taking mental notes. After I had put it all together, I was somewhat shocked. It fit the profile perfectly, and I had witnessed it. – MUFON CMS
Source: NUFORC


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
Not enough information

Rocket launches (from

  • Site: Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, Eastern Test Range, Cape Canaveral, Florida (USA) Vehicle: Falcon-9 v1.2 Payload: Orbcomm FM105 Orbcomm FM108 Orbcomm FM110 Orbcomm FM112 Orbcomm FM113 Orbcomm FM114 Orbcomm FM115 Orbcomm FM116 Orbcomm FM117 Orbcomm FM118 Orbcomm FM119 Orbcomm-OG2 Mass Simulator 2


Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
Not enough information


The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
Not enough information

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