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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

The Alien. United States

ID #1624528975
Added Thu, 24/06/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
Индианаполис, IN
United States

The witness, his girlfriend and a couple of friends were walking through bars on Friday evening in the area Broad Ripple when he ran out of cash and had to run to an ATM at a bank in the block. After withdrawing some cash from an ATM, he turned around and saw a man leaning against a telephone pole on the corner across the street. 

He was well dressed, in a black suit and a burgundy shirt with an open collar. He was tall, maybe 6ft 4in (193cm), white with jet-short hair. He couldn't determine the exact distance, but he was sure that the stranger's eyes were completely black, like coal. The most frightening thing was that the stranger was looking across this crowded intersection at the witness with an incredibly smug expression on his face. 

The witness, a veteran of the Iraq War, was suddenly seized with"pathetic horror". The stranger's appearance was absolutely flawless, and he just stood there as if he knew something that the witness did not know, and as if it was something that the witness "would not like". He didn't want to stay longer than necessary, so he quickly returned to the club where his friends were. 

After walking a few yards, he allowed himself to look back and saw that the stranger was following him across the street. He reminded himself that nothing could happen to the people around him, but he didn't believe it. He got to the club, but there was a queue in front of the bouncer checking the documents. 

The witness was standing there, trembling with fear, when he saw that the man stopped on the other side of the street, looked in both directions, and then calmly began to move to the witness. His every move was precise and deliberate. The witness somehow knew that when this person got to him, something terrible was going to happen, and it was only with a great effort that he managed to maintain his composure. 

At that moment, another man approached the witness from the other side. He was about 20-30 years old, he was wearing jeans, sneakers, a baseball cap and a hoodie from a local university. He touched the witness on the shoulder, and he immediately calmed down. Then he said:

"Don't worry. It's all right. We have everything under control." 

The witness looked back at the man in the suit, who stopped in the middle of the street. It's a wonder he wasn't hit. The man in the hoodie turned away from the witness and came face to face with the man in the suit. It was clear to the witness that this was some kind of showdown. After a moment, the man in the suit seemed to grin in disappointment. Then he turned and walked away. The man in the hoodie turned to the witness with a reassuring smile, patted him on the shoulder and walked on. 

Back at the club, his girlfriend immediately noticed that something was wrong, but before she could say anything, another friend of his asked:

"Did your friend find you?" 

The witness replied:


His friend explained that he ran into a guy who was looking for him and described a man in a hoodie.

Original news

Date:  February 2007
Location:  Indianapolis, Indiana
Time:  night
Summary:  The witness, his girlfriend and a couple friends were out bar hopping on a Friday night in the Broad Ripple district when he ran out of cash and had to run to the ATM at the bank down the block. After withdrawing some cash from the ATM he turned around and saw that across the street was a man leaning against the telephone pole on the corner. He was dressed well, in a black suit with an open collar maroon shirt. He was tall, maybe 6’4” and was white with short jet black hair. He couldn’t be sure of the distance, but was convinced that the stranger’s eyes were completely jet-black. The scariest part was that the stranger was staring across this crowded intersection at the witness with an incredibly smug look on his face. The witness, an Iraq war vet, was suddenly filled with “abject terror”. The stranger’s appearance was absolutely impeccable and he was just standing there, like he knew something the witness didn’t and as if it were something the witness “wasn’t going to like”. He didn’t want to hang around any longer than necessary so he took off at a quick pace back toward the club where his friends were. After several yards, he allowed himself a glance backward and saw that the stranger was following him across the street. He reminded himself that nothing could happen with people all around, but he didn’t really believe it. He reached the club, but there was a line in front of the bouncer who checking IDs. The witness stood there shaking with fear as he saw the man pause on the other side of the street, look both ways, then calmly begin crossing toward the witness. Every move he made was precise and deliberate. The witness somehow knew that when the man got to him something horrible was going to happen, and it was only with great effort that he managed to maintain his composure. Just then another man walked up to the witness from the other direction. He was in his late 20s or early 30s, wearing jeans, sneakers, a baseball cap, and a hooded sweatshirt from a local university. He touched the witness on the shoulder and immediately the witness felt calmer. Then he said, “Don’t worry. You’re all right. We have everything under control.” The witness glanced back at the man in the suit and he had paused in the middle of the street. It was amazing that he wasn’t run over. The sweatshirt man turned away from the witness to face the man in the suit. It was clear to the witness that it was some kind of showdown. After a moment the man in the suit sneered at them, in frustration, it seemed. Then turned around, and walked away. The sweatshirt man turned back to the witness with a reassuring smile, patted his shoulder and walked on. Back inside the club his girlfriend immediately noticed something was wrong, but before she could say anything, his other friend said, “Did your friend find you?” The witness replied “Who?” His friend explained that he had run into a guy that had been looking for him and described the sweatshirt man. 
Source:   Your True Tales, April 2007


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
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Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
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The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
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