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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

The Alien. Brazil

ID #1624633428
Added Fri, 25/06/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
27.12.2008 21:00
Жардинополис - SP

Two local young men, Denilson and Raphael, were playing in the square of the Sebastian Chapel when they were surprised to see bright lights moving overhead, heading towards the field next to the square. The lights seemed to rotate around an ellipse and were red and blue in color; they suddenly descended and disappeared from sight. 

Feeling somewhat scared, the two friends ran to a nearby house, where they told two other friends, Carlos and Cristiano, about this. 

The boys knew it wasn't a plane, because there was no noise, and the lights seemed to have performed a vertical descent into the field. Now the four witnesses came to the field and could now see the lights on the territory changing color from red to blue. Three of the guys were afraid to approach the field. Cristiano rode the scooter closer and illuminated the area with his headlights, while Carlos, Denilson and Rafael followed him. 

Now the boys could see that the lanterns were suspended diagonally in the air, and under the lanterns they could see three or more "crouching" creatures on the field. 

The creatures squatted in a horseshoe-shaped or U-shaped shape and seemed to "communicate" with each other. The boys were very scared, as they had never seen anything like this before. The boys were convinced that these creatures were not animals, because their behavior was completely different from the behavior of typical farm animals living in the area. 

The boys explained that the creatures were clearly outlined, but when they changed the viewing angle, they were able to see from four to five creatures, giving some creatures the appearance of "invisible" and becoming visible only when light hit. the rain that was falling at that time. When Cristiano pointed the scooter's headlight directly at the creatures, they disappeared. They could only see the creatures in the dark. 

In the dark, they can still see the contours of their body. According to the boys, the creatures were about 1.20 meters tall, with large black oval-shaped eyes, without noses and ears, with a round mouth and a dark gray color. They had hands with fingers, but they couldn't count how many fingers were on each hand. All four young men gave the same descriptions of the creatures. 

They watched the creatures for about forty minutes, and during this time the boys noticed that the creatures seemed to communicate with each other. Suddenly they saw a red "laser dot" on Carlos ' shirt, Rafael pointed it out to Carlos, who was scared, and he immediately raised his hands to demonstrate that he was not a threat to them and that he was unarmed. 

At this moment, the witnesses could see a red ray of light that seemed to come from a cylindrical object on the field, and smoke was also visible coming from the tip of the object. Terrified, the four witnesses began to slowly leave the place, taking care of their safety. According to the estimates of the young people, they were standing about 10 meters away from the creatures. They came home scared and nervous.

Original news

Date:  December 27 2008
Location: Jardinopolis, Sao Paolo, Brazil
Time: 2100
Summary: Two local youngsters, Denilson and Rafael were playing in the Sebastian’s Chapel Square when they were surprised to see bright lights moving overhead heading towards a field close to the square. The lights seemed to be rotating around an ellipse form, and were red and blue in color; they suddenly descended and disappeared from sight. Feeling somewhat frightened the two friends ran to a nearby house where they told their two other friends, Carlos and Cristiano. The boys knew that it hadn’t been an airplane since there wasn’t any noise and the lights seemed to have performed a vertical descent into the field. The now four witnesses approached the field and could now see the lights on the grounds alternating colors from red to blue. Three of the boys were afraid to approach the field by Cristiano drove his scooter closer and illuminated the area with its headlights, as he did this, Carlos, Denilson and Rafael followed closely behind him. The boys could now see that the lights were suspended in mid-air in a diagonal position and under the lights they could see three or more “crouching” creatures on the field. The creatures were crouching in a horseshoe or U-formation and appear to be “communicating” with each other. The boys were extremely frightened, since they had never seen anything like that before. The boys were convinced that the creatures were not animals, since their behavior was totally different from that of typical farm animals that abounded in the area. The boys explained that the creatures were well-defined but when they changed their viewing angle they were able to see four and up to five creatures, giving some the creatures the appearance of being “invisible” and only becoming visible when the struck by the light rain that was falling at the time. When Cristiano shone his scooter headlight directly on the creatures these disappeared. They could only see the creatures when it was dark. In the darkness they still see the contours of their bodies. The boys estimated the creatures to have been about 1.20 meters in height, with large black oval-shaped eyes, lacking noses or ears, they had a round mouth and their color was dark gray. They hands with fingers but were unable to count how many fingers on each hand. All four youths gave identical description of the creatures. They observed the creatures for approximately forty minutes and during the time the boys noticed that the creatures appeared to be communicating among themselves. Suddenly they saw a red “laser point” on Carlos’s shirt, Rafael pointed it out to Carlos who became afraid, and he immediately lifted his arms in a way to demonstrate that he was no threat to them and that he was unarmed. At this point the witnesses could see a red beam of light that appeared to be emanating from a cylindrical shaped object on the field, there also appeared to smoke coming from the tip of the object. Terrified the four witnesses began leaving the area slowly concerned for their safety. The youths estimated that they had stood about 10 meters from the creatures. They arrived home afraid and nervous. Three days later the witnesses visited the site and found that the brush in the area had turned brown in color.
Source: Milton Dino Frank Junior, Presidente do Centro de Ufologia Brasileiro


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