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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

The Alien. United States

ID #1624634294
Added Fri, 25/06/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
03.11.2008 23:30
Оушен-Бич, NY
United States

The main witness had strange dreams for a long time. Just after Halloween, he was walking along the beach with his dog at night when he saw a light flash on the water near the horizon. At first, he thought it was a light on the mast of a boat that was floating in the distance, but the light shot straight up before shooting straight down. He watched the light grow brighter as it approached the witness. As he got closer, he saw how it illuminated the water below it. 

He is not sure what happened next, but he remembers being in a brightly lit white room with strange beds arranged in it, and a strange creature, shorter than him, but not a person. He had large black or maybe brown eyes and almost milky gray skin. 

The creature spoke to the witness, but he did not see his mouth move. He told him to stay calm, that everything would be over soon. He was forced to lie down on the table, and he is not quite sure what happened next, since his next memory was of lying on his bed. His dog disappeared after the incident. 

Shortly after the incident, the witness spoke to a friend who is a hypnotherapist, and underwent 4 or 5 sections. He remembered being introduced to a woman similar to the other creature he had described and instructed to copulate with her. It seemed like he couldn't control his actions. 

Before releasing him, they told him that they would come for him again when the "child" was born. Shortly after the incident, the witness spoke to a friend who is a hypnotherapist, and underwent 4 or 5 sections. He remembered being introduced to a woman similar to the other creature he had described and instructed to copulate with her. It seemed like he couldn't control his actions. Before releasing him, they told him that they would come for him again when the "child" was born.

Original news

Date: November 3 2008
Location: Ocean Beach, New York
Time: 11:30 pm
Summary: The main witness had been having strange dreams for a while. Just after Halloween he was walking out on the beach with his dog at night when he saw a light bobbling off near the horizon out on the water. At first he thought it was a light atop a mast on a boat that was passing in the distance, but the light shot straight up before shooting straight down. He watched as the light seemed to get larger as it approached the witness. As it got closer he could see it illuminating the water beneath it. He is not sure what happened next but he remembers being in a brightly lit white room with strange beds set up in it and a strange being, shorter than him that was not human. It had large black or maybe brown eyes and an almost milky gray skin. The being spoke to the witness but he didn’t see its mouth move. It was telling him to remain calm that it would all be over soon. He was made to lie down on the table and he is not really sure what happened next since his next memory was of him lying on his bed. His dog has been missing since the incident. Soon after the incident the witness talked to a friend who is a hypnotherapist and underwent 4 or 5 sections. He remembered being presented with a female being similar to the other being he described and was instructed to copulate with her. He seemed to have no control over his actions. Before they set him free they told him that they would come for him again when the “child” is born.
Source: HBCC UFO Research http://www.hbccufo.org


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
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Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
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The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
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