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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

Land creatures. United States

ID #1624634841
Added Fri, 25/06/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
16.11.2008 05:30
Падука, KY
United States

The main witness woke up in his bed, unable to move and scream. His girlfriend was sleeping next to him, and his 93-pound (27.9 m) dog from the Great Pyrenees was sleeping at the foot of the bed. 

He shifted his gaze to the left and saw what looked like a rounded expandable antenna held by a white hand that was moving towards his head. His dog woke up, immediately jumped off the bed and began to growl in defensive mode. Then the dog landed and disappeared from sight. 

The hand holding the antenna now pointed it at the dog, and it stopped barking and growling. After that, the witness was able to move a little, and he was seized with unbridled rage. He looked to the left and saw that the alarm clock was showing 05: 35. His left arm felt like it was being held, but now he was able to move, and he turned it to the left with all the strength of his body and came into contact with a hard but latex-feeling body. 

He immediately jumped up and looked to the left, where the creature used to stand, but now it has disappeared. His girlfriend woke up and he told her to run to the living room, followed by the dog, he grabbed his 9mm Glock and went to the living room, checked it, and then checked the entire apartment, but found nothing unusual.

Original news

Date: November 14 2008
Location: Paducah, Kentucky
Time: 0530 am
Summary: The main witness woke up in his bed unable to move or scream. His girlfriend was sleeping right next to him and his 93 pound Great Pyrenees dog was sleeping at the foot of the bed. He moved his eyes to his left and saw what looked like a rounded expandable antenna held by a white hand moving towards the side of his head. His dog was woken up and immediately jumped off the bed and started growling in a defensive mode. Then the dog got low to the ground and was out of his sight. The hand holding the antenna was now pointing it at the dog and she stopped barking and growling. The witness was then able to move a little and was filled with unbridled rage. He moved his eyes to his left and saw that the alarm clock said 0535 am. His left hand had felt like it was being held down, but he was now able to move and he swung it to his left with all the force in his body and made contact with a hard but latex feeling body. Immediately he jumped and looked to his left where the being had previously stood but now it was gone. His girlfriend now woke up and he told her to run to the living room followed by the dog, he grabbed his 9mm Glock and went into the living room checked it and then checked the complete apartment but found nothing unusual.
Source:  NUFORC


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
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Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
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The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
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