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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

The Alien. United States

ID #1624635663
Added Fri, 25/06/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
30.12.2008 02:10
United States

The witness (who participated in other meetings) fell asleep and was woken up by a bright light coming through the window, and the next thing she knows, she is on a stretcher accompanied by a short gray, which makes it clear to her that he wants to hurt her (!). 

Then a tall gray humanoid appears and waves away a short gray one with a wave of his hand. Then he rubs the witness on the forehead and lets him know that he is all right. They communicate by telepathy. 

Then she is scanned by a machine that looks like an inverted letter "L", usually this is all they do, but this time a short gray color appeared and injected her into the inner part of the right shoulder, which was very painful. Then she was taken home, still on a stretcher, to the waiting room. Then a bright red-haired woman enters and takes his hand (but she has four claws instead of a hand, like people) and says:

"Come with me." 

She gets up and goes with her. She is already frightened by the injection and the fact that she has never seen a woman there. The woman has long bright red hair, and on her head she has something like a crown. She has white skin, very beautiful, dark blue, tilted up eyes, a small nose and a round mouth, and she actually speaks like a person, and her mouth moves. She was wearing a shimmering silver dress with a dark purple hooded cloak over it. On it is a dark blue stone in the shape of a diamond, which glows brightly and brightly. She has a kind and trusting voice. 

The witness was impressed by the woman and does not know whether she is a queen or a princess. She's still partially scared because she doesn't know what she wants from her. She couldn't see her feet, but her dress was dragging on the floor. 

She takes her to a room with children of all ages, from the little ones to those whom he considers teenagers. They all run up to her as if they know her, and they all look like 2 people she knows, and she herself. They all tried to touch her, and most of them did. Then they entered another room, in which there were embryos and fetuses. There were hundreds of them, it seemed that they also had something over their eyes, because they were in a bright light. They looked like people, but had no visible genitals. 

Then the woman says," Let's go, " and they leave. They walk down the hallway to what appears to be a large picture window in the house. She tells her to "view this". What she saw seemed to be the future. 

There was a bloody war going on in the United States and other countries, and it was very clear, he started crying, said that she didn't want to see him anymore, and turned away. But she yells at her to look, and she did. This time she saw death, many people died of diseases, others-by suicide, and others were killed. 

Some she knew, and some she had never seen before. In the end, she told her that she had seen enough, and refused to look back out the window. She said it over and over again:

"We're not done yet." 

She kept saying:

"No, no"!

 Then she went back to bed and could not move or speak for a while. But as soon as the opportunity arose, she asked her husband where the bright light had gone and where the gray ones and that woman had gone. He said he didn't see anything, as usual. 

She got up at 06:00 tired and exhausted. When she went to get dressed, she noticed traces of bruises on both sides of her stomach, so her husband took a picture of them and the red area on the inside of her right arm. As the day passed, the bruise on her stomach turned redder and resembled scratches. 

The witness took photos (not published).

Original news

Date:   November 30 2008
Location:  North Carolina, exact location not given
Time: 0210am 
Summary:  The witness (involved in other encounters) had fallen sleep and was woken up by a bright light coming through the window, next thing she knows she is on a stretcher accompanied by a short gray, which lets her know he wants to hurt her (!). Then a tall gray humanoid appears and dismisses the short gray with a wave of his hand. He then rubs the witness forehead and lets him know he is ok. They communicate by using telepathy. She is then scanned by a machine that looks like an upside “L” usually that’s all they do but this time the short gray came in and gave her an injection in her inner right upper arm which was very painful. Then she was taken to what she describes as a waiting room to go home, still on a stretcher. Then a bright redheaded woman comes in and takes his hand in hers (but she has four claws instead of hand like humans) and says “come with me”. She gets up and goes with her. She is already terrified because of the injection and the fact that she had never seen a woman there. The woman has bright red long hair, with what appeared to be a crown on her head. She has white skin very beautiful dark deep set blue slanted upward eyes, a small nose and a round mouth and actually talks like a human and her mouth moves. She was dressed in a shimmering silver gown with a dark purple hooded robe over it. She is wearing a dark deep blue diamond shaped stone that glows brilliantly and bright. She has a kind and trusting voice. The witness was impressed with the woman and does not know if she is a queen or princess. She is still partly afraid because she doesn’t know what she wants with her. She saw no feet but her gown did drag the floor. She leads her to a room with children of all ages, from small to what he would consider to be teenagers. They all come running up to her as if they knew her and all looked like 2 people she knows and herself. They were all trying to touch her and most did. Then they went into another room which had embryos and fetuses. There were hundreds so it seemed, they also had something over their eyes because they were in bright lights. They looked human but had no visible sex organs. Then the woman says, “Come on” and they leave. They walk down a hall to what appears to be a large picture window in a house. She tells her “to look through it”. What she saw appears to have been the future. There was a bloody war in the US and other countries and it was very graphic, he began to cry and said she didn’t want to see anymore and turns away. But she yells at her to look, so she did, what she saw this time was death, many people dying some of sickness others via suicide and others murdered. Some she knew and some she had never seen before. Finally she told her that she had seen enough and refused to look back in the window. She kept saying, “We are not through” over and over again. She kept saying, “No, no”! Then she was back on her bed and for a while she could not move or speak. But as soon as she could she asked her husband where did the bright light go and where did the grays and that woman go. He said he didn’t see anything as usual. She got up at 0600am tired and drained of energy. When she went to put her clothes on she noticed bruise marks on both sides of her abdomen, so her husband took pictures of them and a red area in her inner right arm. As the day went on the bruise on her stomach became redder and resembled scratch marks. The witness took additional photos.


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
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Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
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The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
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