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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

Yeti. Argentina

ID #1624635932
Added Fri, 25/06/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
Резерва Лос-Роблес
Морено Buenos Aires

Fishermen and other witnesses reported strange phenomena in the area of the Roggero Dam. 

Ranger Chaco Ferrer and his assistant, Second Lieutenant Hector R. Loza, reported strange unusual sounds, and one night, when Loza was on duty in a hut located on the dam itself, he heard a buzzing noise that he had never heard before. While this was happening, he was trying to adjust the telescopic antenna of his TV, as he was not receiving a signal, which seemed very strange, since he could always point it in the right direction to watch TV. 

A few minutes later, he heard an insistent horn outside the hut. Running out into the street, he encountered a police cruiser with two fellow officers, who excitedly asked him if he had seen a "light" that was hovering over the hut. Loza said no, since he was inside with the blinds closed. 

His fellow officers were heading towards the hut as part of their routine patrol, and although they were some distance away, they noticed a powerful light over the tank. The light was a little smaller than the hut itself, so they hurried to look. During one of the turns on the road, they lost sight of him and did not see him again.

A group of fishermen went to a rather inaccessible part of the lake formed by the reservoir to do night fishing. They were equipped with equipment to spend the night there, carrying a battery and a searchlight to dispel the shadows. 

While preparing their fishing gear, they heard sounds coming from the bushes and turned around to see what it could be. When they were able to focus on the place where the noise was coming from, they were able to see the outline of a very hairy "man", perhaps about two meters tall, with a very large head and glowing eyes.

Not giving in to panic, one fisherman told the other to connect the searchlight to the battery to get a better look at the "thing", but the man's nervousness did not allow him to connect the searchlight to the battery terminals, and by the time the operation was completed over, the "stranger" was gone. They did not wait for his return: they packed up their equipment and left immediately.

Original news

Date: October 2008
Location: Reserva Los Robles, Moreno, Buenos Aires Argentina
Time: various
Summary: Strange phenomena have been reported in the area of the Roggero Dam by fishermen and other witnesses. Ranger Chaco Ferrer and his assistance Second Lieutenant Hector R. Losa have reported strange unusual sounds and one night as Losa was on sentry duty in a shack located on the dam itself, he heard a buzzing noise he had never heard before. While this occurred he tried adjusting his television set telescopic antenna, since he wasn’t getting a signal which seemed very odd, as he could always place it in the proper direction to watch TV. Minutes later he heard an insistent klaxon outside the shack. Running outside, he encountered a police cruiser with two fellow officers, who excitedly asked him if he’d seen “the light” that was hovering over the shack. Losa said no, as he was inside with the blinds closed. His fellow officers were heading toward the shack, part of their customary patrol, and even though they were at a distance, they noticed a powerful light over the reservoir. The light was slightly smaller than the shack itself so they hurried over to investigate. During one of the twists and turns on the road, they lost sight of it and couldn’t see it again.
A group of fishermen had headed to a rather inaccessible part of the lake formed by the reservoir to do some night fishing, They were equipped to spend the night there, carrying with them a battery and a spotlight to dispel the shadows. While they were readying their fishing tackle, they heard sounds emerging from the shrubs, and they turned around to see what it could be. When they were able to focus on the area where the noise was coming from they were able to see the outline of a very hairy “man” possibly some two meters tall, with a very large head and luminous eyes. Without succumbing to panic, one fisherman told another to hook up the spotlight to the battery to get a better look at the “thing”, but the man’s nervousness kept him from connecting the spotlight to the battery’s terminals, and by the time the operation was over, the “stranger” had gone. They didn’t wait for it to return: they collected their gear and left immediately.
Source:  Scott Corrales quoting Daniel Valverdi, Daniel Szauter and Jorge Marron


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