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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

The Alien. United States

ID #1624785671
Added Sun, 27/06/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
24.04.2008 03:15
Джорджтаун, TX
United States

The witness was awakened by a female voice in his head (possibly telepathy), saying:

"John, wake up!" 

Then, in his bedroom, a very clear rectangular "screen" image (like a television monitor) appeared 10 feet (3 m) to the left and 6 feet (1.8 m) from the floor. The "screen" was about 3 feet by 2 feet (0.9-0.6 m) in size and did not emit light anywhere in the room, even on a large mirror located behind and to the side of it. 

On this screen there was a humanoid creature with bulging black or dark brown eyes (very small white ones) without eyebrows, a very small nose, a short thin mouth with straight lips and whitish or vanilla skin. The figure was wearing a beige helmet with a transparent face plate covering his hair and ears, if there were any. 

He was wearing a beige / off-white suit with 3 or 4 round details in positions such as a T-shirt / necklace, similar to suits for deep-sea divers. Since the screen ended at the level of the middle of the chest, the witness could not see any arms, legs, etc. Although the creature constantly moved its lips during the entire 2-minute episode, no sound was made. The creature reminded the witness of a TV presenter looking at the camera lights, a clear reflection from the helmet and the front panel with a brown / light brown wall in the background. 

Back in February 2008, a guest in the house one day early in the morning saw a small human figure standing in his room.

Original news

Date:  April 24 2008
Location:  Georgetown, Texas
Time:  0315am
Summary:  The witness was awakened by a female voice in his head (telepathy maybe) saying “John, wake up!” and then a very clear rectangular “screen” picture (TV monitor type) appeared in his bedroom 10ft to his left and 6ft from the floor. The “screen” was approximately 3ft x 2 ft and did not emit light anywhere in the room, not even on a large dress mirror located behind and to the side of it. On this screen was a human-like being with black or dark brown bulging eyes (very little white showing) no eyebrows, a very small nose, a short thin straight lipped mouth and off-white to vanilla skin. The figure wore a beige helmet with a clear face plate which covered its hair and ears if any. It wore a beige/off white suit with 3 or 4 circular fittings in positions like T-shirt/necklace, similar to deep-sea diving suits. Since the screen ended at mid-chest the witness could not see any hands, legs, etc. Although the being constantly moved his/her lips the entire 2 minute episode, no sound was made. The being reminded the witness of a TV news anchor facing the camera lights, a clear reflection shown from the helmet & faceplate with a tan/light brown wall in the background. Back in February 2008 a guest in the house had seen a small human like figure standing in his room early one morning.
Source:  direct from


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
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Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
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The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
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