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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

The Alien. United States

ID #1624804366
Added Sun, 27/06/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
23.09.2008 12:00
Юнионтаун, PA
United States

The main witness, Barbara, a retired woman confined to a wheelchair, went to the Century 3 Mall with her husband, and when her husband was sitting on a bench in the mall, Barbara went to the men's department at JC Penney. While there, she saw a creature that looked like an alien. Another woman was present with her young children. She says they were running out of the area. 

Her son says:

"I want to see"

And the mother answers:

"No, you can't, let's go now!" 

Barbara, in her wheelchair, saw a gray man about 4.5 feet (1.3 m) tall, dressed in a red and black plaid shirt and blue trousers. He was standing by the clothes rack. She saw his profile and turned away. When she looked back, he was looking at her now. 

She described the figure as a man, without hair, with gray skin, almond-shaped black eyes with a lumpy, heavily wrinkled face. She said that the face is not human, but looks like an animal. She turned away again, because it's rude to look, and when she looked back, he was gone. 

She went to the cash register to ask for security, but there was no one around. She was not afraid and said that he had a pleasant smile on his face. She decided to leave the store because she and her husband were going to go to the movies. Barbara tried to tell her husband about it, but he told her to tell him after the movie. Barbara remembered sitting in the dark theater at the back of the house by the exit door, and every time the door opened, she looked to see if there was a creature there. 

She was scared and completely forgot about this meeting and did not tell her husband about 2 months later. She believes that when the creature looked at her, her memories disappeared. 

She remembered only 2 months later after reading an article about UFOs in a local newspaper.

Original news

Date: September 23 2008
Location: Uniontown, Pennsylvania
Time: afternoon
Summary: The main witness, Barbara, a wheel chair bound retiree had gone to the Century 3 Mall with her husband and as her husband sat on a bench at the mall, Barbara went to the men’s dept in JC Penney. While there she saw a creature that looked like an extraterrestrial. There was another woman present with her young children. She says they were rushing out of the area. Her son saying, “I want to see” and the mother replying “No you can’t, let’s go now!” Barbara in her wheelchair saw a gray man approximately 4 ½ feet tall, wearing a red/black plaid shirt and blue pants. He was standing by a clothes rack. She saw his profile and then looked away. When she looked back he was now facing her. She described the figure as male, no hair, gray skin, almond black eyes with a lumpy heavily wrinkled face. She said the face was not human, it looked like an animal. She again looked away because it’s not polite to stare and when she looked back he was gone. She went to the register to ask for security but there was nobody around. She wasn’t afraid and said that he had a pleasant smile on his face. She decided to leave the store because she and her husband were planning to attend a movie. Barbara tried to tell her husband but he told her to tell him after the movie. Barbara recalled sitting in the dark theater in the rear by the exit door and every time the door opened, she looked to see if the creature was there. She became frightened and completely forgot about the encounter and never told her husband until about 2 months later. She believes that when the creature was staring at her it made her memory fade away. She only recalled 2 months later after reading a UFO article in the local paper.


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
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Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
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The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
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