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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

The Alien. United States

ID #1624816162
Added Sun, 27/06/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
03.01.2009 20:26
Нью-Париж, OH
United States

The witness (who may have participated in other meetings) was almost ready for bed, having let his dog Dudley out for an evening walk. Then the dog began to bark and in fear covered his genitals with his tail, clinging to the witness. 

The witness suddenly felt what he would call a strong static charge in the air, which seemed to cause the dew droplets to quickly evaporate. Even the frost on the ground turned into steam, and he felt a strong heat. 

This quickly turned his attention to the tree line in front of him, when he heard the same high-pitched sound, only this time much more painful. He fell to his knees and noticed that blood was dripping from his nose to the ground. 

It suddenly stopped when a warm intense blue-gray light surrounded his body, which seemed to be pressing down on his back. pushing him to his stomach and making his face lie on the blood from his nose. He woke up, shivering and naked, in his bed almost six hours later. 

Dudley seems to have been scared and barking all day. He did not eat and did not allow the witness to touch him. He found scratches on his nose and suffered from migraines all day. During the night, he heard the following thoughts in his head:

"It's okay, we're scientists, you're going to feel pain soon, and think of it as a study."

Original news

Date: January 3 2009
Location: New Paris, Ohio
Time: 2026
Summary: The witness (possibly involved in other encounters) was about ready for bed, letting his dog “Dudley” out for an evening walk. The dog then began barking and used his tail to cover his genitals in fear as he cowered behind the witness. The witness suddenly felt what he would describe as an extreme static charge in the air that seemed to cause droplets of dew to quickly evaporate. Even the frost on the ground turned to steam and he could fee intense heat. This quickly turned his attention towards the tree line in front of him as he heard the same high pitch sound, only this time much more painful. He dropped to his knees and noticed blood dripping from his nose onto the ground. This came to a sudden stop as a warm intense blue/gray light surrounded his body and seemed to have a heavy weight on his back, pushing him to his stomach and making his face lie on the blood from his nose. He woke up shivering and nude in his bed nearly six hours later. “Dudley” seems to have been scared and barking all day. He wouldn’t eat and wouldn’t let the witness touch him. He found scratches on his nose and suffered from migraines all day. During the night he heard the following thoughts in his head, “its ok we are scientists, you will feel pain shortly, and think of it as a study.”
Source: NUFORC


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
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Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
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The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
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