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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

Land creatures. United States

ID #1624816571
Added Sun, 27/06/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
10.01.2009 01:00
Роклин, CA
United States

The 21-year-old witness went out to the backyard to smoke a cigarette and allowed his 65-pound pit bull to go to the bathroom. It was dark outside, and there was no light inside or outside the house. However, the moon was quite full, so he could see the surroundings. 

He was looking at the moon, which was in the western direction, and his dog was at the fence also on the western side of the yard. He was almost halfway through smoking a cigarette when it seemed to him that someone was watching him from behind. 

When he turned around, he saw the outline of a man standing in the corner of his house near the fence, and it seems that he / she was looking at the witness. Immediately, the figure began to run away from the house to the back of the property (only 15-20 feet (4.5-6 m) away), when the witness dog heard her footsteps, she ran towards her. 

Thinking that he was dealing with an intruder, he ran back into the house through the sliding glass door, but left the door open to try to call the dog, fearing for his safety. As soon as his dog reached the figure, it flew straight into the air at a height of about 10 feet (3 m), and then flew straight to the far rear edge of the property and either landed on the fence or hovered directly above it for about 2 minutes.

The witness could see the outlines of what looked like wings or some kind of cloak. The witness was too scared to let go of the door, fearing that the figure would approach him. After a minute, the witness realized that he could turn on the street light in the backyard, which he did. At the same time, he could barely see the figure flying over the fence.

 His dog kept pawing at the fence when he called him to come inside. About a minute after the call, the dog came inside, and the witness went straight upstairs to wake up his girlfriend and tell her what had happened.

Original news

Date: January 10 2009
Location: Rocklin, California
Time: 0100 am
Summary:  The 21-year old witness had stepped outside his backyard to smoke a cigarette and let his 65 pound pit-bull go to the bathroom. It was dark outside and there were no lights on in or outside the house. However the moon was rather full so he could somewhat see his surroundings. He was staring up at the moon which was in the westward direction and his dog was at the fence also in the west side of the yard. He was about halfway through his cigarette when he had the feeling that someone was watching him from behind. When he turned around he saw the outline of what appeared to be a person standing by the corner of his house near the fence and he/she seemed to be facing the witness. Immediately the figure started to run away from the house towards the back of the property (only about a 15 to 20 foot distance), when the witness dog heard its footsteps it ran towards it. Thinking that he was dealing with a trespasser he ran back into the house through the sliding glass door but left the door open so he could attempt to call his dog inside fearing for his safety. As soon as his dog reached the figure, it flew straight up into the air at a height of approximately 10 feet and then flew directly to the far back edge of the property and either landed on the fence or hovered directly over it for about 2 minutes. The witness could see the outline of what appeared to be wings or some type of a cloak. The witness was too scared to let go of the door in fear that the figure would come towards him. After a minute the witness realized that he could turn the outside backyard light on so he did. As he did he could barely see the figure as it went over the fence. His dog continued to paw at the fence as he called for him to come inside. After about a minute of calling the dog came inside and the witness went directly upstairs to wake his girlfriend and tell her what had occurred.


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
Not enough information


Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
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The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
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