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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

Spirits. United Kingdom

ID #1624817207
Added Sun, 27/06/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
03.01.2008 02:30
United Kingdom

The witness (who participated in the previous meeting) went to bed after 12: 30 after watching a late movie on TV. 

Soon she fell asleep, but she was woken up by a jerking sound outside the house (apartment building). Listening, trying to decipher the sound, she turned on her back to free her right ear to hear better, but still could not make out the sound. 

She thought that she would get out of bed and look out of the window to her left to open her eyes - and at the foot of the bed, in the left corner, there was the most frightening sight of a radiant young lady in a bright white shiny dress. She stood and looked at the witness with her clear and clear eyes. 

A bright white silvery radiance radiated from her very essence and spread for several inches around her. and yet it was limited by her being and did not light up the bedroom. This was quite unexpected and surprised the witness. They both stared at each other, and neither of them exchanged words, either verbally or telepathically, so the witness was wondering what was going on. 

As they looked at each other, the witness could still hear the sound outside that had woken her up and thought the two were connected. This strange vision lasted about 30-60 seconds, and then just disappeared. 

She lay in bed for a couple of minutes, trying to figure out what had just happened, then decided to see what was causing the sound outside. She got out of bed and looked out of the bedroom window. 

The Coca-Cola could have been carried away by a fairly strong wind on an asphalt road, as a result of which the sound stopped when the can hit the curb.

Original news

Date:  January 3 2008
Location:  Warnham, England
Time:   0230am
Summary:  The witness (involved in a previous encounter) had retired to bed after 1230am after watching a late film on TV. She soon fell asleep, but was awakened by a dragging sound outside of the building (block of flats). As she listened trying to decipher the sound, she turned onto her back to free her right ear so she could hear better, but still couldn’t make head or tail of the sound. She thought she’d climb out of bed and take a peep out of the window to her left so she opened her eyes—and at the foot of the bed, on the left hand corner was the most awesome sight of a glowing young lady wearing a bright white shiny gown. She stood looking at the witness with what she could only describe as pure and clear eyes. A bright white silvery glow radiated from her very essence and extended to a few inches around her, and yet it was confined to her being and didn’t light up the bedroom. This was quite unexpected and surprised the witness. They both stared at each other and no words were exchanged by either of them, not verbally or telepathically, so the witness was wondering what was going on. As they looked at each other the witness could still hear the sound outside which had awakened her and thought that the two were connected. This strange vision lasted for about 30-60 seconds and then just vanished. She laid in bed for a couple of minutes trying to make sense of what had just happened, then decided to see what was causing the sound outside. She climbed out of bed and looked outside through the bedroom window. A Coca Cola can have been blown about on the tarred drive by a fairly strong wind, causing the sound, the noise ceased when the can hit a curb. The witness then went back to sleep.
Source:  Your True Tales—May 2008


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
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Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
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The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
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