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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

NGOs. United Kingdom

ID #1625152232
Added Thu, 01/07/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
07.05.2010 14:00
United Kingdom

A rectangular black object floating in the sea. 

On May 5, 2010, I was walking home with my 18-year-old daughter. We live on a beach in Portobello, Edinburgh. At the foot of our street you can see the sea, and we could both see a large black rectangle without any features about three-quarters of a mile from the sea. 

The weather was clear, calm, visibility was excellent. I always watch the ships and am quite familiar with most of the ships that go to the Fort. I couldn't see any add-ons. No masts, funnels, sails... everything. Without marking. I don't have the best eyesight, so I asked my daughter if she could make out any details. She couldn't. 

I went upstairs to get binoculars, go to the website and see if I can still see the object from my living room window. I couldn't. 

I checked the "Sea Traffic" and found that one ship was much further away and did not look like what we saw. I went down into the binoculars and went to the beach. The object has disappeared. 

The ship registered in the "Sea Movement" was again twice as far away as the object, but it was easy to distinguish it, since it was red, and we could distinguish the superstructures even from this distance, even without binoculars. According to my estimates, I stayed at the top for no more than 10 minutes at most. Such is the viewing range from the beach, it would be difficult for a motor boat to get out of sight in such a period of time. 

I asked some people on the beach if they noticed anything; they didn't. I'm reporting this simply because it was by definition "unidentified" and it might help if someone else reports the event.

Original news

Date: May 7 2010
Location: Edinburgh Scotland
Time: 14:00
Summary: Rectangular black object floating out at sea. I was walking home on 5th May 2010 with my 18 year old daughter. We live by the beach in Portobello Edinburgh. The sea is visible at the foot of our street and we could both see a large black featureless rectangle about three quarters of a mile out to sea. The weather was clear, calm and visibility was perfect. I’m always observing ships and am reasonably familiar with most the ships that frequent the Forth. I couldn’t make out any superstructure. No masts, funnels, sails..anything. No markings. I don’t have the best eyesight so I asked my daughter if she could make out any details. She could not. I went upstairs to get my binoculars and to check out and to see if I could still see the object from my sitting room window. I couldn’t. I checked Marine Traffic and there was one ship displayed which was a great deal further out and it looked nothing like what we had seen. I took the binoculars down stairs and went to the beach. The object had gone. The ship recorded on Marine Traffic was half as far away again as the object, but was easily distinguished as it was red and we could make out superstructures even from that distance, even without binoculars. I would estimate I was no more than 10 minutes maximum upstairs. Such is the range of view from the beach, a motorboat would have had difficulty in disappearing out of sight in that length of time. I asked some people on the beach if they had noticed anything; they had not. I’m reporting this simply because it was, by definition ‘unidentified’ and it may help should someone else report the event.
Source:  National UFO Reporting Center


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