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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

The Alien. United States

ID #1625157274
Added Thu, 01/07/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
Оушен-Сити, MD
United States

Excited to be in Ocean City, the witness was outside on the terrace on the first floor of a three-story condominium building, smoking, looking at the stars and watching people across the street having parties on the terrace on the 3rd floor. 

He looked at the Constellation of Orion and saw how the shooting star began to the left of the Orion belt and continued through the lower part of the constellation. 

The shooting star was incredibly bright, and it seemed that it took an eternity for it to finally burn out. The people across the street came out and went to the beach, so he went inside and lit another cigarette before going to bed. 

He thinks it's been about 15 minutes since he saw the shooting star, when he returned to the street, sat down and noticed a figure sitting at a table in the courtyard on the 2nd floor of the condominium building across the street. He found it very strange, because no one occupied this part. 

He looked at the strange figure in disbelief. He sat at the table like a man; his left hand was lying on the table, and it seemed that his legs were crossed (for some reason, the witness felt that it was a man). The figure was tall, large, muscular, with a shadow / black appearance and no visible features. The head was elongated and very large. 

The witness could not believe that he was just sitting and watching, as he felt that he should have screamed and run inside, but for some reason he did not. He could say that he knew he was there, but the witness eventually got up and left because he didn't move and he was scared of what might happen. 

When he closed the sliding glass door after going inside, the figure was still there. That morning, in the light of day, he tried to determine what could have made this figure on the deck, but there was nothing on the deck except a table and four chairs.

Original news

Date: May 29 2010    
Location: Ocean City, Maryland
Time: night
Summary: Excited to be in Ocean City the witness was outside on a deck on the first floor of a three floor condo building having a smoke, looking at the stars and watching the people across the street party on their 3rd floor deck. He was looking at the Orion Constellation and saw a falling star start from the left of Orion’s belt and continue through the bottom part of the constellation. The falling star was incredibly bright and it seemed like it took forever for it to finally burn out. The people across the street left and went to the beach, so he went inside and got another smoke before he went to bed. He thinks it was about 15 minutes since seeing the falling star when he went back outside sat down and noticed a figure sitting at the patio table on the 2nd floor of the condo building across the street. He found it very strange because no one was occupying that unit. He was staring in disbelief how the strange figure looked. It was sitting at the table like a human would; with its left arm resting on the table and it appeared that his legs were crossed (for some reason the witness felt it was a male). The figure was tall, big, muscular, with a shadow/black like appearance and no visible features. The head was elongated and it was very large. The witness couldn’t believe he just sat there and stared since he feels he should had screamed and ran inside but somehow he didn’t. He could tell it knew that the he was there, but the witness eventually got up and left because it made no movement and he grew scared of what would happen. As he closed the sliding glass door after going inside the figure was still there. That morning at daylight, he attempted to determine what could have made that figure on the deck but there was nothing on the deck but a table and 4 chairs.
Source: Mufon CMS    


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
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Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
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