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Circles on the field and other formations. Russia

ID #1644759117
Added Sun, 13/02/2022
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
Nizhegorodskaya oblast

From the Nizhny Novgorod region, a researcher of anomalous phenomena received a report about 20 years ago from an important police chief there. The report was accompanied by a postscript, in which the researcher was forbidden to mention the names and surnames of his heroes, as well as the names of settlements, if he decided to publish the sent text.

A high police officer wrote:

"If you publicly blab about what I forbid you to publish, I guarantee you big, very big troubles through the Ministry of Internal Affairs."

And then it was said:

"My elderly mother, one of the participants in the contact with the devil, lives in the village that is being discussed in my report. She doesn't need visits from curious newspaper men who will follow her around, shaking her soul with questions.

In general, in one of the villages of the Nizhny Novgorod region at the beginning of November 1989, the company went out in the evening from the hut to get some fresh air. Almost immediately, people noticed two large pink balloons above the forest surrounding the village. The objects slowly descended towards each other at an angle of about 30-40 degrees. The men, thoroughly tipsy, happily began to chatter and rushed in a crowd towards the forest. They decided so: the balloons are landing, and there is a rare opportunity to stare at UFOs when they land in a clearing somewhere ahead, in the forest... But while the peasants, shouting enthusiastically, ran along the narrow field separating the village from the forest, while they were breaking through the dense undergrowth at the edge of the forest thicket, the balls were lost from sight. This did not discourage, however, our very drunk hunters for "flying saucers".

They combed the forest with a chain to a depth of up to two kilometers. No UFOs were found there. Continuing to move in a cheerfully cursing chain, they came out into a field that stretched on the other side of the forest. And that's when we discovered something amazing. In the clear moonlight, two ten-meter circles of melted snow could be seen on the ground. The grass inside the circles was completely charred. UFOs, apparently, recently landed briefly here.

But, alas, they have already managed to fly away. The men were very upset that they did not find the "Martians" on the spot. They returned, dejected, to the hut, from which they came out to cool down and air out. They told the old man, the owner of the hut, about the balls and the circles on the ground. And he said in response: "Balls are what! It's nothing! I once saw a hefty vase fall into a clearing from heaven..." There were no explanations about how the "vase" looked, because the peasants, who had sobered up a little in the frost, were not up to old men's mutterings. Bottles of vodka were tempting to loom on the table, and simple peasant food was scattered around them. The drunkenness in the hut began to boil again, filling its walls with thick alcoholic vapors...

The next morning, the grandfather, the owner of the hut, an alcoholic, by the way, with many years of experience, woke up in a severe hangover. And he found that almost all of his yesterday's guests had not gone home, but were sleeping, drunk, on the floor. Grandfather did not wake the guests. He took a sip of cucumber pickle, went out of the hut and knocked on the door of the neighboring house. There lived a lonely grandmother as ancient as he, the mother of that high police rank, from whose words I am describing this story.

My grandparents had a preliminary agreement to go to the river at dawn and "remove the tops", that is, to pull out of the water the nets that had been placed there days earlier. Maybe it will be possible to collect from half a bucket of small fish entangled in nets... After a while, an elderly fisherman alarmed the peasants sleeping in his hut with loud groans and groans.

The peasants, having awakened, saw: the grandfather drags the unconscious body of the grandmother into the upper room.

- How? What? What's the matter? - the peasants rushed to the old man, blinking their eyes sleepily.

- Yes, that's it, my sons. My grandmother and I went out to the meadow in front of the river, and my shoelace was untied. Only I bent down to tie it, Granny - kick! - I fell to the ground without memory.

The men, breathing fumes, began to bring granny to her senses — pour vodka into her mouth.

When the grandmother came to her senses, she began to cry immediately:

- Oh, oh, there's a door in the field! She walks by herself!.. As soon as I saw her, I went off the rails at the moment. Oh, oh. 

The men, who had already managed to get drunk by that time, responded to her groans with a drunken hum - joyful, intoxicated. Didn't you manage to take a look at UFOs yesterday when the objects landed? Well, figs with them. It's no big deal. But today, maybe, you will be lucky, you will have a chance to observe a door that walks by itself in the field... And the men were blown out of the hut like the wind.

Their drunken hubbub about where and why they were going was heard by the boys hanging around on the village street. Of course, they followed the men, tormented by burning curiosity. In general, a considerable company, from young to old, as they say, came to the bank of the river - to where the old man's vershas stood in it.

The company was appropriately powerful and comprehensively armed... No, I'm afraid you misunderstood. In the hands of these drunkards, not batons or axes stuck out, but half a liter of vodka in marketable quantities. And salted cucumbers and slices of black bread peeked out of the pockets of the jackets.

The company, including the boys, walked in a tight flock back and forth across the meadow by the river, but did not notice anything remarkable. However, do not go back, if drinks and snacks are at hand, and on the outskirts of the meadow there is a dried shrub in front of the forest, suitable for a fire?

The fire was lit. Raw potatoes, taken with them by one of the men, flew into it. And the drinking started again, rapidly gaining momentum. 

Suddenly one of the teenagers, who were gathering firewood about twenty meters from the fire, screamed in a wild voice: - The door! There's a door in the field! 

The company, sitting by the fire, all jumped up.

Across the meadow, against the background of the river, an object was slowly moving from side to side, which had taken there this second from nowhere. It was not a cylinder, not a block, not some kind of bulky box, but a "door" two meters high and a palm thick. A flat opaque rectangle hovered perpendicular to the ground at a height of about thirty centimeters, smoothly moving to the left, then to the right. 

Drunken men, encouraging each other with shouts, rushed to the self-moving "door" with whooping. However, they could not get close to her. All their attempts to get to the strange object and feel it with their hands ended, frankly, in a deplorable way. Not having reached the "door", the men jumped back with panicked screams. An irresistible feeling of utter horror rolled over them three or four meters from the flat rectangle, and their legs were numb."

The report of a high police officer says:

"At the same time, it was clearly realized that horror was imposed from the outside, regardless of the subjective unwillingness to be "afraid.".. Shocked and very subdued, tipsy citizens, accompanied by sober children, hastily left the contact zone." 


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
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Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
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The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
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