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Poltergeist. United States

ID #1645774987
Added Fri, 25/02/2022
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Source date: 
Хановер, PA
United States

The ghosts scratched and burned the cameraman who was filming the mystical house. The cameraman who came to shoot the story about the mystical house left him in a state of shock. The fact is that during an interview with the hostess of the house, something invisible (ghosts) scratched and burned his hand.

A couple from Hanover, Pennsylvania, Diana and Tom Simpson, live in a house in which strange things have been happening for seven years.

According to the couple, they are constantly being chased by more than five ghosts and demons taking different guises, and a strange supernatural creature that scratches people in the house.

Diana says that the most terrible thing began that evening when she dreamed of two men standing near her bed. When she opened her eyes, she saw that the same men were lying on the bed and staring at her. The next time she looked in the mirror hanging in the bathroom, and saw the reflection of a corpse - a dead blonde was lying on the floor.

"These things are beyond our understanding, and it's terrible," the couple said in an interview with The Evening Sun magazine. - First we heard footsteps, the sound of slamming doors and crying coming from empty rooms, and then there was a creepy black figure of a demon about seven feet (2 meters) tall. Periodically we see her wandering around the house."

The mistress of the mystical cottage noted that sometimes supernatural beings come to her defense.

"There are creatures protecting me here who look like women, but most of the spirits living here are bad, dark forces that do not give us peace," she added.

Recently, a FOX 43 TV crew visited the Simpsons to interview the couple and rent their home. However, as soon as the cameraman Nick Petrillo started talking to Diana, he felt that something invisible scratched and burned his hand.

"It happens because you're shooting a story. Because you are here. So they warned you," explained the woman applying holy water to the operator's hand.

Later, the man admitted that the incident seriously scared him.

Unfortunately, the couple have to put up with neighbors from the other world, because they cannot sell the mystical house, and neither priests, nor mediums, nor ghostbusters can rid it of demons.

Original news

A cameraman was scratched and burned by a ghost while filming a possessed Pennsylvania property, the homeowners claim.

Deanna and Tom Simpson have lived at the Maple Avenue, Hanover, home for seven years even though they say more than five ghosts and a demon constantly harass them.

The couple also said a supernatural being scratches people inside the house.

In a bizarre twist, FOX 43's Nick Petrillo claims he was scratched and felt his hand burning during just minutes into filming an interview with Deanna Simpson.

'Because you’re telling the story. Because you’re putting it out there ... right now that is their way of a warning,' Deanna Simpson said while putting holy water on Petrillo's arm.

The Simpsons said they encounter terrifying apparitions every day.

Deanna Simpson said it started when she dreamed two men were standing over her. When she opened her eyes, they were beside her bed staring at her.

Another time, she looked into the bathroom mirror and saw the reflection of a dead, blonde girl lying on the floor.

'It's beyond anyone's belief, it's horrible,' Deanna Simpson told The Evening Sun.

'It started with small things like the sound of footsteps, doors closing on their own and crying or sobbing coming from empty rooms. I was desperate to calm the house down and kept asking God to heal this home.'

The Simpsons also said a demon roams the house. It appears in photographs as a seven-foot-tall shadowy figure.

'I have some here (supernatural beings) that are protecting me, some women here that are protecting me, but the majority are bad, dark forces, inhuman,' Deanna Simpson said.

The couple said they found out their house was haunted after moving in.

They can't find a buyer, or rid the home of demons despite visits from priests, mediums and paranormal investigators.

'This house is not like the haunting people talk about with a drawer opening on its own,' Deanna Simpson told YDR. 'That's mild, that's wonderful. This is hell.'


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