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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

The mystical fog. Russia

ID #1646145618
Added Tue, 01/03/2022
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Source date: 
Kurskaya oblast

An unexplained natural phenomenon is in the Kursk region. Zolotukhinsky district. According to local residents, they saw columns of smoke rising directly from the ground. The elements raged for only a few minutes. But the spectacle was observed in several localities at once. Apart from wondering what it was, there were no consequences.

Kristina Kononova, correspondent:

"The weather is sunny in the village of Lugansk right now. You can even hear the trills of a nightingale. But more recently, the villagers were seriously frightened by an inexplicable natural phenomenon."

Nadezhda Ozerova:

"I'm looking out the window. Here we have a landing on a Gremyachka. The smoke is impossible. This is the pollen. There was no wind, it was quiet. It pulled me to Lugansk. Darkness. Not like fog or something, but some kind of impossible blackness. The cloud was dark, dark, and then the brown whirlwind lifted up. Right here, right off the asphalt. And walked. The wind blew her away. I grabbed the kids, I say, let's go."

Raisa Zubkova:

"We thought a huge cloud was coming here. Now it's hail, then rain, a downpour in one minute. The downpour passed here, and it began to dissipate there."

Kristina Kononova:

"Clouds of dust enveloped everything around. The witnesses had sand on their teeth. Natalia Zinchenko was not confused and recorded the incident on a mobile phone camera."

According to rescuers, there were no calls to the emergency service from residents of Zolotukhinsky district. There was no call to the place. According to the photos, they did not comment on the nature of the unexplained phenomena.


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence

The wind

Wind — flow of air, which quickly moves parallel to the earth's surface.

Wind is the result of uneven distribution of atmospheric pressure and is directed from areas of high pressure to the low pressure zone. Due to the continuous pressure changes in time and space speed and wind direction are constantly changing. With height wind speed varies with the decrease of the friction force.

Winds can affect the formation of the relief, causing Eolian deposits that form different kinds of soils (e.g., loess) or erosion.

Смерч (вихрь, торнадо)

Atmospheric vortex that occurs in cumulonimbus (thunderstorm) cloud and propagating down, often to the surface of the earth, in the form of a cloud sleeves or trunk diameter of tens to hundreds of meters. Tornadoes can appear in many shapes and sizes.


Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
Not enough information


The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
Not enough information

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