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Land creatures. United Kingdom

ID #1660821376
Added Thu, 18/08/2022
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Source date: 
United Kingdom

A schoolgirl from Scotland under the nickname livinlavidaloca182 published on the Reddit website a story about a mysterious incident that happened to her. At about 11 p.m., she was walking with her friend in the park area near her house. When they reached the area where benches and swings are installed, they suddenly felt a strong unpleasant smell. After looking for its source, the teenagers noticed a creature squatting next to one of the benches.

At first it seemed to them that it was a man, only naked. But the creature was very tall, if full-length, then probably not less than 2.5 meters. His skin was a pale gray color. Suddenly it started giggling. It was like a child's laughter, but for some reason it made a terrible impression. The meeting scared the narrator very much.

Those who read the livinlavidaloca182 post believe that she could have encountered a monster from urban horror stories named Rake or Fleshgait.

Original news

I'm not sure what I saw but it was terrifying..

Okay so I'm kinda new to posting here so forgive me 😅

I think this is the best place to find out what I saw.

Okay so me and my friend were walking around a massive park in my town and it was around 11pm we were just walking around having a smoke and a laugh being teenagers and stuff. And by this point it was pitch black, theres no lights in the park and I'm a bit on edge because I'm not keen on the dark and I was kind of paranoid from the weed but I'm gonna just cut to the interesting part..

So me and my friend, let's call them Sam, walk towards the actual swing park within the park and we're like 10 feet from the park and theres this unexplainable rancid smell that physically caused me to gag, we joke and say something about it being this girl from school we don't like and head into the park, the smell only getting stronger and I glance over at the small wall surrounding the park and theres a bench and squatting behind the bench but still at least 5 ft tall squatting was what looked like a freakishly tall guy, but he appeared to be naked and hairless. We both kinda stared for a minute before looking at each other as if to say " Yo, you can see that right" and the thing started laughing like a 4 year old girl, we noped the fuck out of there and ran like our lives depended on it (( they might have )) and went home and just laughed it off and kind of forgot about it, at least Sam forgot about it but it was weeks ago and I'm still spooked and refuse to go near that park after dark...

Can anyone help me figure out what I saw? Thanks


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
Not enough information


Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
Not enough information


The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
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