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Poltergeist. Thailand

ID #1661842657
Added Tue, 30/08/2022
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 

One Thai woman said that a ghostly voice whispered in her ear about the death of her neighbor, and then she went to his house and saw that he really died.

Grandmother Chan Sribua says that on August 25, 2022, she was very tired after sitting with her grandchildren, and therefore dozed off. And she woke up from the fact that a "creepy" voice whispered to her that her 60-year-old neighbor had died.

The man's name was Wongsin Fodam, but everyone called him by the nickname Ho-Wan. He was lonely, without family and relatives, and lived nearby in a dilapidated makeshift hut made of pieces of tin.

"Ho-Wan is dead," a disembodied voice whispered, greatly scaring the old woman.

However, she took this message seriously, got up, washed her face, and then went to another neighbor and asked him to go to Ho-Wan's hut and check on him.

However, when she told him about the reasons for such a request, he flatly refused out of fear, and then Chan Sribua went herself. She reached Ho Wang's hut, walked around it, and then went inside and saw Ho Wang's body lying on the bed.

She felt his leg, then made sure that he was really dead, and called the police.

The police arrived at 13.30 and examined the scene. They soon announced that Wongsin Fodam had died three days ago and there were no signs of violent death on his body.

Chan Sribua immediately told the police that the voice of a ghost led her to a neighbor's hut. Perhaps it was Ho-Wan's ghost who wanted her to find his body.

The press wrote that Ho Wan was a local drunk who drank every day, and that although he worked in a factory, he never had enough money for food. And Chang Sribua constantly pitied him and fed him.

She last saw him on August 20, two days before his death, and gave him food and water. Perhaps she was the only person who treated him well, and that's why the ghost turned to her.

Ho Wang's body was taken to the local Institute of Forensic Medicine for an autopsy, but police immediately said they were not treating Ho Wang's death as suspicious.

Original news

Pewna Tajka twierdzi, że ​​upiorny głos szepnął jej do ucha o śmierci sąsiada. Kobieta niedługo potem poszła do jego domu i zobaczyła, że ​​mężczyzna naprawdę umarł. Czy to prawdziwa wiadomość zza grobu czy też fatalne alibi?

Mężczyzna nazywał się Wongsin Fodam, ale wszyscy nazywali go Ho-Wan. Mieszkał sam, bez rodziny i krewnych, w zrujnowanej, prowizorycznej chacie zrzuconej z kawałków blachy. Po telefonie od przerażonej kobiety, policja obejrzała miejsce zdarzenia. Wkrótce ogłoszono, że mężczyzna zmarł trzy dni wcześniej.

Chan Sribua, a więc kobieta nawiedzona przez ducha, powiedziała policji, że to głos zza grobu zaprowadził ją do chaty sąsiada. Mężczyźnie nie powodziło się w życiu, a kobieta po raz ostatni widziała go 20 sierpnia, dwa dni przed śmiercią, kiedy też dała mu jedzenie i wodę.

Relacje okolicznych mieszkańców sugerują, że staruszka była jedyną osobą, która traktowała go dobrze. Zrozumiałym wydaje się więc dla nich fakt, że duch zwrócił się właśnie do niej. Ciało Ho Wanga zostało przewiezione do miejscowego Instytutu Kryminalistyki w celu przeprowadzenia sekcji zwłok.


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