ID | #1668677895 |
Added | Thu, 17/11/2022 |
Author | July N. |
Sources | |
Phenomena | |
Status | Investigation
Initial data
Unusual shots that were shot in Argentina may be the best proof of the existence of ghosts.
Surveillance camera footage at an Argentine hospice shows how the doors open and the night guard encounters a ghost. However, the guard insisted that he could clearly see the woman when she entered.
The strangest thing is that he later identified the woman he let in and it turned out that she was a hospice patient who died just a few hours before the "meeting" with the guard. The guard obviously saw the patient's astral double or her ghost.
This happened recently in the city of Buenos Aires, according to local broadcaster TN.
The automatic doors of the building opened at three in the morning, and the guard saw a tall woman enter. After receiving her name, he wrote it down in the registration book.
He offered her a wheelchair because she looked sick and weak, but she refused. She explained that she had come because she wanted to pick up the personal belongings of a patient in ward 915 who had died the day before.
It is not surprising that the woman did not return for some time, given that this room was on the ninth floor of the building. The guard asked the staff on the ninth floor about the visitor, establishing that she had not come there. He was told that no one was seen on the floor and no one was in the specified room.
When they looked at the surveillance footage, they found that the guard was talking to an invisible person. After examining the name that the guard wrote down, they found that it belonged to a patient who had recently died here.
Original news
El Sanatorio Finochietto de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires dijo que el video del supuesto "fantasma" que ingresa a su guardia es falso. En las imágenes que se viralizaron martes, un trabajador de seguridad recibió en la guardia a una supuesta mujer mayor. Sin embargo, según los médicos, la paciente nunca estuvo en el lugar y ella estaba muerta.
"Lo único que puedo decir es que esto molestó, porque perdimos toda la mañana con esto. Me llamaron desde Estados Unidos, México, Panamá, por algo que casi seguro, lo puedo asegurar, es una situación armada. No se si para hacer una broma o qué, pero se viralizó. Lo que yo no creo es en fantasmas", dijo el doctor Guillermo Capuya, responsable de Relaciones Institucionales del Sanatorio Finochietto.
l misterioso hecho ocurrió en la madrugada del pasado viernes, cuando el hombre asegura que recepcionó a una mujer que pidió ser atendida por un médico de guardia y horas después, al ver que esta no salía de la consulta, llamó a los médicos para consultar su estado. Para su sorpresa, estos le dijeron que no habían recibido a ninguna paciente.
El escalofriante momento quedó registrado en video por las cámaras de seguridad. En concreto, las imágenes muestran cómo la puerta automática se abre sola, sin que haya nadie del otro lado, y cómo inmediatamente el trabajador de seguridad se levanta y camina hacia la entrada para poder recepcionar a la persona que supuestamente acababa de entrar.
Además, se puede apreciar cómo el hombre corre la cinta de peligro, rellena una planilla e incluso le ofrece una silla de ruedas a esa persona a la que él estaba viendo, aunque las cámaras no lo hayan registrado, para luego volver a su lugar. ¿La peor parte? Cuando el recepcionista fue consultado sobre los datos que registró, estos correspondían a un paciente que había fallecido el día anterior.
Sin embargo, Capuya aclaró en diálogo con Infobae que "el personal de seguridad no tiene vínculo con la institución", ya que es tercerizado, y que "no hay nada, no hay registro del ingreso que dice esa persona".
Capuya insistió en que aquella noche realmente no se registró ningún nombre, desmintiendo la historia de que los datos tomados por el empleado coincidían con un paciente fallecido el día anterior. "No hay registros, eso es mentira", reiteró.
A su vez, el responsable de Relaciones Institucionales del lugar reveló que "la puesta está rota" y "se abrió como 28 veces en 10 horas". "Esto sucedió justo cuando esta persona estaba sola, porque siempre está acompañada...Los compañeros tampoco vieron nada", concluyó.
Las puertas del sanatorio Finochietto se abren. El guardia se acerca a la persona que supuestamente entró, le abre la cinta y luego le toma los datos. Le explica dónde queda la guardia y hasta incluso ofrece una silla de ruedas. Esto es lo que supuestamente pasó pero nada se ve…
A hallucination is a form arising in consciousness without external stimulus, i.e. the perception of non-existent real objects (objects and phenomena).
Negative hallucinations represent the opposite-perception of actual objects.
Hallucinations appear as ordinary people in stages of extreme psychological exhaustion in the extreme fatigue, the absence of external stimuli, lack of sleep, high temperature, intoxication, dehydration, etc., and also in the use of alcohol, psychotropic substances, various injuries and diseases, and some mental and neurological diseases.
Deliberate falsification
This version includes any falsifications that imitate unexplained phenomena both from the outside: practical jokes, flash mobs, fake news, witness fraud, staging, etc.
There are many ways to make something similar to a ghost or a flying saucer from improvised materials, without using video and photomontage.
Many homemade things made for the sake of a joke, a practical joke or a direct imitation of a mystical being or event can be taken as unexplained not only in photos and videos, but also in reality.
Take pictures and video from the screen
Most often this method is used to hide the detail, allowing to identify a fake, because of the fear of lost a significant part of fine detail, distorted image, etc.
However, it may be a special case of the use of frames from films, broadcasts etc. for fraud.
Rocket launches (from
- Site: Taiyuan Satellite Launch Center (TSLC), Wuzhai, Shanxi (China) Vehicle: CZ-6A Payload: Yunhai-3 01
This is a screen shot. It is necessary to find and study the original recording.
From the point of view of physics, the camera could not remove the ghost in two cases - if it is a hoax or a hallucination (the image exists only in the head of the guard).
According to the interview, Guillermo Capua, head of the institutional relations department at the Finochetto Sanatorium, insisted that no names were actually registered that night, denying the version that the data received by the employee coincided with the patient who died the day before. He said that "the installation that opens the doors was violated" and "in 10 hours it opened about 28 times" and "in the video it happened just when this person was alone, but the guards were always accompanied, and his colleagues did not see anything." He assumed it was such a joke from a security guard tired of jammed doors.
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