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Chronoanomalia. Iceland

ID #1669029208
Added Mon, 21/11/2022
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
улица Austurstrati

A 1943 photo of a man "talking on a mobile phone" has spread across social networks.

The journalists found out that this photo was really taken in 1943 in Reykjavik, Iceland. It depicts American soldiers, but this man in a white coat is definitely not a soldier and is clearly different from the other people in the photo.

The man is holding an object in his hand, raising it to his ear in the same way as mobile phone owners do. At the same time, he is with his mouth open, that is, obviously, he was photographed at the time of the conversation.

And there is no one with whom he can talk, no one looks in his direction.

Social media users quickly came to the conclusion that the photo was a time traveler who did not expect to be filmed.

"He is standing alone, he is wearing a different headdress than the others, and a different scarf, and he behaves the way we would behave today, talking on a mobile phone," writes Christian Hoffmann, who first posted this photo.

There is definitely some kind of rectangular flat object in the man's hand. And if it's not a smartphone, then what is it?


A photo depicting a scene from the center of Reykjavik in 1943, which depicts a crowd of locals and soldiers walking along the sidewalk in Austurstrati (which was a street in the 40s, but has since turned into a square) has become popular on Icelandic social networks.

The photo seems to show a man talking on a mobile phone - a sure sign that time travelers have visited Iceland in the past.

The photo was taken at the corner of Lækjargata and Austurstrati streets. A group of soldiers in the right corner stands in front of a taxi stand that has since been demolished, but a suspected time traveler stands at the window of what is today the Nordic Store, a clothing and gift shop. In 1943, a watchmaker was housed here.

The photo was shared by Christian Hoffman. It has been owned by Christian's family for decades, filmed in 1943, at the height of World War II.

Original news

A 1943 photograph of a man “talking on a mobile phone” has gone viral on social media.

The journalists found out that this photo was actually taken in 1943, in Reykjavik, Iceland. It depicts US soldiers, but this man in a white coat is definitely not a soldier and is clearly different from the other people in the photo.

A man holds an object in his hand, raising it to his ear in the same way as mobile phone owners do. And he is with his mouth open, that is, apparently photographed at the moment of the conversation.

And next to him there is no one with whom he could talk, no one looks in his direction.

Social media users quickly concluded that the photo was of a time traveler who did not expect to be filmed.

“He stands alone, wearing a different headdress than the others, and a different scarf, and he behaves like we would do today, talking on a mobile,” writes Christian Hoffmann, who first posted this picture in the Icelandic Facebook group.

Skeptics, on the other hand, believe that the man in the photo may have just checked his watch on his hand or decided to scratch his ear right at the moment the photographer was working.

However, there is definitely some kind of rectangular flat object in the man’s hand. And if it’s not a smartphone, then what is it?


Kristjón Kormákur Guðjónsson
Mánudaginn, 28 nóvember 2016 14:06

„Þarna má sjá upp Bankastræti, Lækjargötu og Austurstræti. Þessi mynd er tekin árið 1943, fyrir 73 þremur árum síðan,“ segir Kristján Hoffmann sem deildi mynd í grúppuna Gamlar ljósmyndir á Facebook. Myndin hefur vakið mikla athygli og vilja sumir meina að á myndinni megi sjá tímaflakkara halla sér upp að einni versluninni og tala í farsíma.

Kristján segir í samtali við DV að honum hafi áskotnast diskur með gömlum ljósmyndum sem var í eigu fjölskyldunnar. Fjölskyldan átti þó ekki upprunalegu myndina.

Þegar Kristján deildi myndinni á Facebook sagði hann:

„Bandaríski herinn yfirtekur íslenskan glæsileika eins og sést. Eitt vekur athygli á þessari fallegu mynd er að uppað glugganum, á horninu á miðri mynd, hallar sér maður og er í GSM.“

Sumir vilja meina að maðurinn sé að klóra sér, aðrir segja að hann haldi á pípu eða sé athuga hvort úrið sitt virki.

„Ég veit ekki hvað skal segja, ætli hann sé ekki bara að tala í símann,“ segir Kristján glettinn og bætir við: „Hann stingur í stúf, stendur einn og er með öðruvísi höfuðfat en hinir og trefil og hagar sér eins og við myndum gera í dag. Hann hefur yfirsýn yfir torgið og engu líkara en hann eigi í samræðum við einhvern í snjallsíma.“

Guðjón Friðriksson sagnfræðingur tjáir sig um myndina og segir:

„Ekki að spyrja að Íslendingum. Búnir að finna upp gsm langt á undan öðrum!“

Þá tekur tónlistarmaðurinn Bubbi Morthens til máls á léttu nótunum og telur sig hafa skorið úr um hvað þarna eigi sér stað:

„Fór með stækkunargler á þetta maðurinn er með síma þá er spurning þessi er þetta ekki tímaferðlangur?,“ segir hann kíminn.

Ekki er niðurstaða þó fengin í málið og spurt er: Hvað er maðurinn með í hendinni.


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence

Devices and structures

This version includes all things, structures, devices used in everyday life. Such things can often be mistaken for something paranormal because of their rarity, strangeness or deformation during operation.

Also, this version can include devices and workwear of people used for certain needs (diving suit, fire suit, etc.)


Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials

The photo, first posted on the Icelandic Facebook group Gamlar ljósmyndir by user Kristian Hoffmann in 2016, was scattered around the world after it was picked up by the Sun and the New York Post.

The version about the time traveler is a bit strange, because it is not very clear how a person would use a mobile phone without cell towers.

Probably, it's something more familiar for that time. For example, a portable radio on which he listened to a match or news. Commentators also suggested that he was just checking whether his watch was working (based on the fact that a person is standing next to a watch repair shop - this is the most likely version), holding his wrist to his ear or smoking a pipe and scratching his ear during a photo shoot.


The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
Not enough information

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