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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

Chronoanomalia. Russia

ID #1669236215
Added Wed, 23/11/2022
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
Kareliya, Respublika

Archival footage of the newsreel "Soviet Karelia" recorded a man with a mobile phone in his hand on the street of Petrozavodsk. And this is in 1982. Whereas the first mobile phones appeared a year later, and even then - in America. Not with us. Rare black-and-white shots attracted the attention of an experienced radio engineer Pavel Reznikov.

Text from the video:

The video lasts only a few seconds and seems to be nothing unusual. But Pavel Grigorievich made a storyboard. Pavel Reznikov, Assistant General Director for Technical Issues of the Nika TV company: "Here he was walking, walking, then he takes out this hand, brings his mobile phone to his ear. At first, he walked without a mobile phone with only one facial expression. When he started talking, apparently on a mobile phone, his expression changed, he smiled. The conversation made some impression on him."

 Pavel Grigoryevich has been working with television and radio electronic devices for forty years. He is sure that our people did not have mobile phones then. For a radio receiver, the object in the hand of a passerby is too small. The special services have nothing to do with it either. "At that time, the special services did not have such devices yet. They didn't get too far ahead of civilian inventions back then," he says. Pavel Grigoryevich is tormented by doubts, he has lost his peace. He is sure that the young man has an intercom device in his hand. But how is this possible? The first mobile weighed more than a kilogram. Really, a time Traveler?!..

 This is a Chrononaut. They called him, he answered, spoke briefly so that they wouldn't pay attention. His phone doesn't need cell towers. People who ask what bodies. can't function without a tower, similar to people who in the 1950s would have asked how a phone can work without wires? And they claimed that it was impossible. Ha, now the device without wires does not surprise anyone. Progress, Gentlemen, does not stand still.


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence

Devices and structures

This version includes all things, structures, devices used in everyday life. Such things can often be mistaken for something paranormal because of their rarity, strangeness or deformation during operation.

Also, this version can include devices and workwear of people used for certain needs (diving suit, fire suit, etc.)


Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials

Despite the fact that in the video a person could scratch his ear, fix something on his face or use, for example, a radio receiver or something similar (the segment is too short and of poor quality to say for sure. for further analysis, you need to look for the original or a better quality recording), the very conclusions of the specialist in the transfer raise questions.

For example (with reference to Kuprianovich L. I. Radiotelephone // Science and life. — 1957. — No. 8. — p. 49. and a pocket radiotelephone // Science and life. — 1958. — No. 10. — p. 66.):

  • 1957 — engineer L. I. Kuprianovich from Moscow created and publicly demonstrated the first experimental portable mobile phone LK-1 weighing 3 kg, with a range of 20-30 km and a working time of 20-30 hours without changing batteries, and a base station for it. The solutions of the device are patented (a. s. 115494 of 01.11.1957).
  • 1958 — L. I. Kuprianovich creates prototypes of compact mobile phones weighing only 500 g and the size of a cigarette box.
  • 1958 — in the USSR, the creation of a civil (departmental) car phone service "Altai" was started.
  • 1961 — L. I. Kuprianovich creates a prototype of a pocket mobile phone placed on the palm of his hand, weighing 70 g and with a communication range of 80 km. According to the inventor, this is a model "prepared for serial production at one of the Soviet enterprises." Kuprianovich also informs the press about plans to build 10 mobile base stations in Moscow, the first of which is designed in Mazilov.

Compact and lightweight walkie-talkies (radio communications) also appeared in the late 1950s — early 1960s, with the development of semiconductor electronics.

Thus, in 1982, there were other ways to explain where a person got a "mobile phone"/walkie-talkie/etc., except for an astronaut who arrived from the future. 


The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
Not enough information

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