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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

UFO. Romania

ID #1685912137
Added Sun, 04/06/2023
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
30.06.2001 22:30

The event took place on the evening of Saturday, June 30, 2001, in the city of Naz, Vrancea county, located about 40 km away. from Fokshan on the road connecting the town of Fokshany with Galats.

The sky was overcast, it was raining during the day, and there should have been a waning moon in the southern part, after the full moon phase.

The press notice was made by some Bucharest residents who were driving along the road connecting the town of Tecuci with Galac, near the town of Liesti, about 8 km away. the distance from where they saw the lights over the village to apply.

The journalists of Monitorul de Vrancea conducted the first investigation the next day together with a local television station, and the news appeared in local newspapers, and then was picked up by the National Newspaper, from where we also made a report.

The direct witnesses I spoke to are:

  • Tanasake Agafitei, retired, former literature teacher in the village,
  • Wife – Elena Agafey,
  • The church is standing,
  •  Elena Stoyan, his wife,
  • Dmitry Zhuzhau, a resident of another district of the village, and
  • Stefan Stoyan, father of the Stoyan Church.

Late on Saturday evening, most of the villagers watched the program "Surprises, surprises", which was broadcast on the national TV channel TVR1. At about 22:30, the electricity goes out, and the whole village is plunged into darkness. According to the villagers, power outages have been very rare recently and for very short periods of time.

After a few minutes of waiting, people impatiently came out to see if there was electricity in the neighboring villages. Everything was normal, only there was no light in the room. It should also be noted that the village is supplied with electricity from two different directions of high voltage through three transformers: two on the line from Vulturu and one on the line from Tataru.

After leaving the houses, the witnesses noticed a manifestation of a luminous phenomenon over the village, consisting in the presence of a round red spot, indistinctly outlined, slightly blurry, which slowly moved, stopped, began to rotate around its axis and turned into a segmented ring of pale yellow light, a ring that, when rotated and lowered to the ground, increased in diameter. After it reached ground level, having a radius of 200-300 meters, and after some time the ring began to rise up again, maintaining its rotational motion, contracting until it reached the point from which it started, turning back into a red spot or object. It moved slightly to the right (or disappeared for some), stopped for a while, started a rotational movement again, it turns into a segmented ring that descends, rises, approaches the ground and rises again. This cycle was repeated in some witnesses about 8-9 times in 45 minutes, in others almost 20 times. Some witnesses say that during the rotation, the object rocked like a boat rocked by waves.

From other points of the village, the phenomenon manifested itself somewhat differently, in the sense that the original object was like a spot, like a dark red cloud illuminated from within, spread out in a circle into many light squares, like some windows that they reached the ground, then rose, gathering in the place from where they came out. When the squares of light reached ground level, the witnesses had the feeling that the village was enveloped in a diffuse, misty light, like milk.

Agafita's husbands saw how a round red spot disappeared on the horizon and returned with each cycle of descent and ascent of the light ring.

Most of the witnesses got bored after the observation time of 30-45 minutes and went home, being late, around 23:00-23:30.

The phenomenon manifested itself until about midnight (according to the witness Stefan Stoyan, who worked as a night shift watchman at a private enterprise in the immediate vicinity of the village), after which it suddenly stopped.

The power supply resumed around 2 a.m. without any other incidents.

After contacting the Renel company, it turned out that there were no defects or interventions in their official reports in the area of the site on the night in question, although local residents say the opposite.

That evening, the wedding of the son of the village landlord Stefan Nekula took place in the building of the House of Culture in this area. After the power outage at 22:30, everyone waited for it to last for some time. But around midnight, when the newlyweds were going home, the Nose decided to intervene with fried chicken and wine in the center of Vulturu. But there they were told that everything was fine with them and that the defect was most likely in the Focshans, to go there. Meanwhile, the electricity returned, the wedding resumed and the wedding guests were no longer interested in the cause of the power outage.

Locals say that the residents of Renel examined the transformers the next day and found a burnt stork in one of them, writing it off to him, but as far as we know, storks do not fly at night and the question is why the interruption lasted 3 and a half hours? And why did all three transformers fall?

Original news

Evenimentul s-a produs in seara zilei de sambata 30 iunie 2001 in localitatea Nanesti, judetul Vrancea, situata la aproximativ 40 de km. de Focsani pe soseaua ce leaga orasul Focsani de Galati.

Cerul era acoperit, in cursul zilei a si plouat iar in partea de sud ar fi trebuit sa fie Luna in descrestere, dupa faza de luna plina.

Sesizarea catre presa a fost facuta de niste bucuresteni ce se deplasau cu masina pe soseaua ce leaga orasul Tecuci de Galati, in dreptul localitatii Liesti, la aproximativ 8 km. distanta , de unde au vazut lumini deasupra satului Nanesti.

Ziaristii de la Monitorul de Vrancea au facut primele investigatii a doua zi impreuna cu postul local de televiziune iar stirea a aparut in ziarele locale, fiind preluata apoi de ziarul National, de unde ne-am sesizat si noi.

Martorii directi cu care am stat de vorba sunt:

-          Tanasache Agafitei, pensionar, fost profesor de filologie in sat,

-          Sotia acestuia – Elena Agafitei,

-          Costel Stoian,

-          Elena Stoian, sotia acestuia,

-          Dumitru Jujau, locuitor din alta zona a satului, si,

-          Stefan Stoian, tatal lui Costel Stoian.

Filmul evenimentelor

Fiind sambata seara tarziu, majoritatea satenilor vizionau emisiunea ,,Surprize, surprize’’ transmisa pe postul national de televiziune TVR1. In jurul orei 22:30 se intrerupe alimentarea cu energie electrica si tot satul intra in bezna. Mentionam ca dupa spusele satenilor in ultima perioada intreruperile de curent au fost foarte rare si pentru durate foarte scurte de timp.

 Dupa cateva minute de asteptare, oamenii fiind impancientati, au iesit afara sa vada daca si in satele vecine se manifesta lipsa curentului electric. In jur totul era normal, numai in Nanesti nu era ,,lumina’’. Mai mentionam ca satul este alimentat cu enrgie electrica din doua directii diferite de inalta tensiune, prin intermediul a trei transformatoare: doua pe linia dinspre Vulturu, si unul pe linia dinspre Tataranu.

La iesirea din case martorii au observat deasupra satului manifestarea unui fenomen luminos ce consta in prezenta unei pete rosii de forma rotunda, neconturata precis, usor difuza care se deplasa lent, se oprea, incepea sa se invarteasca in jurul unei axe proprii si se transforma intr-un inel segmentat de lumina de culoare galben pal, inel care in timp ce se rotea si cobora spre sol, se marea in diametru. Dupa ce ajungea aproape de nivelul solului, avand o raza de 200-300 de metri, dupa unii chiar mai mult, inelul incepea sa urce din nou, mentinandu-si miscarea de rotatie, se micsora pana ajungea in punctul din care a pornit, transformandu-se din nou in pata sau obiectul de culoare rosie. Acesta se deplasa putin spre dreapta (sau disparea pentru unii), stationa un timp, incepea din nou miscarea de rotatie, se transforma in inel segmentat care cobora, se marea, se apropia de sol si iar urca. Acest ciclu a fost urmarit de unii martori cam de 8-9 ori in 45 de minute, de altii de aproape 20 de ori. Unii martori afirma ca obiectul avea in timpul rotatiei si o miscare de balans, ca o barca leganata de valuri.

Din alte puncte ale satului fenomenul s-a manifestat oarecum diferit, in sensul ca obiectul initial era ca o pata, ca un nor luminat din interior, de culoare rosu inchis ce se imprastia circular intr-o multime de patrate de lumina, ca niste ferestre, ce ajungeau pana la pamant apoi acestea se ridicau adunandu-se in punctul din care au plecat. Cand patratele de lumina ajungeau la nivelul solului, martorii aveau senzatia ca satul era invaluit intr-o lumina difuza, cetoasa, ca laptele.

Sotii Agafitei au vazut pata circulara rosie disparand la orizont si revenind apoi la fiecare ciclu de coborare si urcare a inelului de lumina.

Majoritatea martorilor, dupa un timp de obesrvare de 30-45 de minute s-au plictisit si s-au retras in case, fiind tarziu, in jurul 23:00-23:30.

Fenomenul s-a manifestat pana in jurul orei 24 (dupa spusele martorului Stefan Stoian, ce era paznic in tura de noapte la o intreprindere particulara din imediata vecinatate a satului), dupa care a incetat brusc.

Alimentarea cu energie electrica a revenit in jurul orei 2 noaptea fara alte incidente.

In urma contactarii societatii Renel, a rezultat ca in evidentele lor oficiale nu sunt consemnate defectiuni sau interventii in zona Nanesti in noaptea respectiva desi din spusele localnicilor reiese altceva.

In seara respectiva in cladirea Caminului cultural din localitate se desfasura nunta fiului unui gospodar al satului – Stefan Necula. Dupa ce s-a intrerupt curentul la ora 22:30, toti asteptau ca pana sa dureze putin. Dar, pe la miezul noptii cand nuntasii se pregateau sa plece acasa, nasul a hotarat sa intervina cu o gaină fripta si cu vin la centrala de la Vulturu. Dar acolo li s-a spus ca la ei totul este in regula si probabil defectiunea este la Focsani, sa mearga acolo. Intre timp curentul a revenit, nunta s-a reluat iar nuntasii nu s-au mai interesat de cauza penei de curent.

Localnicii spun ca cei de la Renel au inspectat a doua zi transformatoarele si au gasit la unul din ele o barza carbonizata, dand vina pe aceasta, dar din cate se stie berzele nu zboara noaptea iar intrebarea este de ce intreruperea a durat 3 ore si jumatate? Si de ce au cazut toate trei transformatoarele?


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence

Light sources on clouds

Lasers, searchlights, car headlights and other light sources of sufficient power can form a column of light in a dusty or foggy atmosphere, various patterns on low clouds, fog or haze. Also, the rays can highlight parts of the cloud, objects or birds, giving them bizarre shapes.

Searchlights can shine with one beam, several. They can be stationary, move, and also form spinning carousels on the clouds, which can change shape and color.

It often seems that the light source is located at the point where the beam hits the cloud, and not vice versa.

Short circuit

Suddenly you hear a loud Bang and bright Spica. After that may turn off the light in the apartment, as well as to spread the fire.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»


Rocket launches (from

  • Site: Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, Eastern Test Range, Cape Canaveral, Florida (USA) Vehicle: Delta-7425-10C Payload: MAP (MIDEX 2, Explorer 80)


Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
Not enough information


The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
Not enough information

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