Initial data
Uganda, Victoria. Mahmoud E. Yousif writes:
"I witnessed the entry of a UFO into the atmosphere over Lake Victoria in Uganda on the night of January 15, 1995 at about 1:28.
I ran up to the window of the club apartment and called my chess player friend Kiviv that he should go out and see a huge meteorite that might soon fall on Kampala.
I turned around and watched in amazement as the brilliant white light in a matter of seconds turned into a huge cylindrical object with extremely bright light coming out of something like a giant porthole in the front of the hemisphere. Four or six other similar portholes stretched along the side of the starship, and the bright lights dimmed in the direction of the stern of the ship. The object itself was shiny and silvery in the light of the full moon; it was five bands of intense red light."
Original news
Uganda, Victoria
Mahmoud E. Yousif skriver: ”Jeg var vidne til UFOers indtræden i atmosfæren over Victoria-søen i Uganda om natten 15. januar 1995 ca. kl. 1:28. Jeg løb hen til klublejlighedens vindue og kaldte på min skak-ven Mr. Kiweewa, at han skulle komme ud og se den kæmpemæssige mulige meteoritagtige tingest, som snart ville falde ned over Kampala. Jeg vendte tilbage og betragtede overrasket hvordan det strålende hvide lys på sekunder forvandledes til et enormt cylinderformet objekt med ekstremt stærkt lys strømmende ud fra, hvad der lignede et kæmpemæssigt koøje på forsiden af halvkuglen. Fire eller seks andre lignende koøjer strakte sig langs siden af rumskibet og de strålende lys blev svagere mod skibets bagside. Objektet selv var skinnende og sølvagtigt i fuldmånens lys; det var fem bånd af intenst rødt lys, som udgik fra den midterste del af rumskibet og ud mod enderne, hvor de blandede sig med et enormt og intenst rødt lys, der udgik fra bagsiden af halvkuglen og syntes at strække sig i mere end rumskibets fulde længde.
Tethered flying machine heavier than air. Supported in the air by wind pressure on a surface set at an angle to the direction of movement of the wind and held by the guard rails from the ground. The first mention of kites are found in the II century BC in China (the so-called snake-dragon). At the moment there are many shapes and designs of kites.
There are also kites, equipped with LEDs. The forms that emerge LEDs can be different: echoing the shape of the kite to Supplement his picture or absolutely independent. Color, frequency and sequence of blinking LEDs is varied.
Rocket launches (from
- Site: Kagoshima Space Center / Uchinoura Space Center, Kagoshima, Kyushu (Japan) Vehicle: M-3S-2 Payload: EXPRESS [KM-M]
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