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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

UFO. Mexico

ID #1688852268
Added Sun, 09/07/2023
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 

Teotihuacan, Mexico UFO photographed

Scott Corrales Institute of Latin American Ufology:

"I was there with my wife, children and my brother's family in 1982. We were on vacation, so I took some pictures of Teotihuacan as a souvenir. My idea to take the picture was to photograph my family on the way to the pyramid of Quetzalcoatl against the backdrop of impressive old buildings. You can see them in the far right corner of the image.

When I took the picture, nothing unusual was visible, and when the film was developed, my brother became aware of possible UFOs, there are actually three of them forming a triangle, although the largest of them is heavily illuminated /overexposed. Later we checked the negative and found that they can also be seen."

Original news

Teotihuacán, Mexico UFO fotograferet

Scott Corrales Insitute of Hispanic Ufology: ”Jeg var der sammen med min hustru, mine børn og min brors familie i 1982. Vi var på ferie og derfor tog jeg adskillige billeder af Teotihuacán til erindring. Min idé med at tage billedet var at fotografere min familie på vej hen imod Quetzalcoatl-pyramiden med de imponerende gamle bygninger som baggrund. De ses helt til højre på billedet.”
”Da jeg tog billedet, sås intet usædvanligt, og under fremkaldelsen af filmen blev min bror opmærksom på de mulige UFOer, der er faktisk tre, som dannede en trekant, selv om den største er stærkt belyst/overbelyst. Vi checkede senere negativet og opdagede at de også kunne ses.”


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence

Objects in motion, captured on a long exposure

Most often this artifact is called skayfish if the lens gets a passing bird or insect. It is based on the discrepancy between the speed of the video and the frequency of the flapping of insect wings. Essentially, each video drops a few strokes of the wings of an insect, which when viewed looks like "arrow", provided with long protuberances. The motion of the insect by its translucent body seems to "boom" and vibration of the wings give the appearance of bumps.


Due to the peculiarities of the bird's flight, it is possible to capture a moment in the photo when an ordinary bird will resemble a "classic" UFO in shape.


Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
Not enough information


The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
Not enough information

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